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wod guru Webinar: Jak poprawnie akceptować zgody online?

Webinar: Jak poprawnie akceptować zgody online?

Dowiedz się, jak sprawnie zbierać od klubowiczów akceptacje regulaminów i ich aktualizacji, pozyskiwać zgody marketingowe i wizerunkowe oraz oświadczenia o możliwości wystąpienia kontuzji.

*Only for gym owners!

Dowiedz się, jak sprawnie zbierać od klubowiczów akceptacje regulaminów i ich aktualizacji, pozyskiwać zgody marketingowe i wizerunkowe oraz oświadczenia o możliwości wystąpienia kontuzji. Dowiedz się, jak system WodGuru może to robić za Ciebie!

Czy wiesz, że:

• źle zaakceptowany regulamin przy zakupie karnetu online może powodować, że klient ma aż 12 m-cy na odstąpienie od umowy bez podania przyczyny?

• nie wszystkie zgody mogą być obowiązkowo akceptowane?

• każdorazowo musimy posiadać rejestr osób, które wyraziły lub nie wyraziły danej zgody?

📥 I want to see recordings

In case of problems we are not left alone!
Mateusz, WildGym OławaMateusz, WildGym Oława
We are very pleased with the cooperation with WodGuru. Intuitive registration, well-organized online sales, and automation of class cancellations are just some of the advantages. The main and most important factor for us is good support and the feeling that in case of problems we are not left alone. This is crucial for us and this is what we get. We are glad to be your customers!
People who regularly did not sign up for classes and used to come "on the fly", have been excited about this system since the introduction of WodGuru.
Wisien & Czyżu, SDA studioWisien & Czyżu, SDA studio
We have tested several systems that help with running dance studios. In our case, WodGuru definitely turned out to be the best choice, and this was determined by several factors:
1. Great support, which could be the envy of many startups. Great contact, help in implementing and adapting the system to individual requirements, a vibe that gives the feeling that we are playing for one goal.
2. Reliability. Since we have been testing/using WodGuru, there have been maybe 2-3 errors or technical problems, which were solved in a fraction of a second. Why? See point one.
3. Tomek and Aneta from WodGuru are aware of which direction this train is going. Their focus on process automation, combined with flexibility, makes us feel that in 2-3 years we will not be left with an old software in our hands, but a modern tool adequate to the possibilities offered by the development of technology. This is clearly visible in the road map, which is based on user suggestions, and on the other hand, maintains a well-thought-out core and direction.
4. Ease of use. Onboarding of people working at the reception took us about 2 hours. Nice :) We have prepared exactly 8 of our own 3-4-minute implementation tutorials for our own realities, which solve 80-90% of cases. This shows that the number of possibilities offered by WodGuru goes hand in hand with the ease of use.
5. Fun Fact: People who usually did not sign up for classes and came "on the fly", have started signing up since the introduction of WodGuru and are excited about this system. Deal with that.
WodGuru has all features I need, and it's iOS compatible!
Zosia, To YogaZosia, To Yoga
When opening my yoga studio (2 months ago), I knew that the key would be a good software that would take care of everything for me. Thinking that I found the perfect one, it turned out that I did not (thankfully before using it for real). And all of a sudden WodGuru has it all, super important to me was that it's iOS compatible. You can connect a fiscal printer, there is full automation, i.e. in addition to the newsletter option, where you can indicate that you want to send an e-mail to users, e.g. only those who have an active memebership, then canceling classes - an e-mail is sent to the saved people immediately. The fact that you just click on a member's profile and you can check everything they do in the studio, whether they regularly attend one class or try different ones. This is also a great option, because you can add notes to each person and check before class whether someone has, for example, a knee problem, etc. Generally, I feel that it is good that I chose this software, because if something goes wrong, I can write to Aneta and I have an answer right away 🙂 WodGuru listens and reacts.
"Previously, I did everything manually, which required a lot of time every day"
Asia, Przystanek InspiracjaAsia, Przystanek Inspiracja
I have been using WodGuru for 6 months. Previously, I did everything manually, which required a lot of time every day to update all registrations, payments, respond to a lot of messages, etc. At the moment, the time I used to spend on those, I can devote to the development of the studio, because most of it is done for me. Additionally, each customer can check everything on an ongoing basis, pay for the membership or sign up for classes. The rules are very clear and the system is transparent. Moreover, I can check everything on my phone at any time - which makes it easier. Working time at reception has also become much shorter - there are definitely fewer questions about simple issues such as signups/signouts. A huge advantage is that WodGuru is constantly making improvements and listens to suggestions regarding our needs and new ideas. Their helpdesk always answers to our questions very quickly. I recommend it!
Thanks to WodGuru, my clients can sign up at any time of the day or night!
Ania, PasjaMojaiTy.plAnia, PasjaMojaiTy.pl
What a fantastic app! I love it, my clients can now sign up and sign out of classes easily! Thanks to WodGuru, they can do it at any time of the day or night - and you, as the person running the club, do not you have to worry about the list of attendance. Everything happens automatically here! The app is very helpful, you can use many other functions, such as selling your products online. And again, it all happens automatically and you get noticed about everything via @ or in the app directly. If you are still wondering whether it is worth trying, my answer is a big YES! Do not hesitate no more, because time is money - and you can use this time for much more pleasant things than sitting in front of a spreadsheet as it was in my case ;)
Simple signups and payments for customers.
Ewelina, Soul FitnessEwelina, Soul Fitness
WodGuru makes my work easier. This app meets all my needs! 😁 I don't need to waste time on signing up members for classes and controlling their payments. I have everything under control here! Simple signups and payments for customers. Clear reports that show the number of hours worked by employees, the number of active memberships, and sales. 🥰 If you have any doubts or questions, the WodGuru team will come to the rescue in no time. Using the application is simple! Totally recommend it!

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