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Kim jesteś i czym się zajmujesz?

Nazywam się Patrycja i wspólnie z bratem od 5 lat prowadzimy salę treningową HydroMoc By Brożek w Płocku. Trenują z nami zarówno klienci indywidualni, jak i grupy.

Z jakimi problemami mierzyłaś się, zanim zaczęliście korzystać z WodGuru?

Na początku zastanawialiśmy się, jaki program będzie dla nas i naszych klubowiczów najlepszym rozwiązaniem. Przeglądaliśmy różne oferty. Kolega z Warszawy, który prowadzi Box CrossFit-owy polecił nam program WodGuru. Od początku program był tym, czego szukaliśmy. Klubowicze rejestrowali swoje wyniki w systemie, zapisywali się na zajęcia, a my programowaliśmy treningi dla nich. Płatności były realizowane na recepcji, w formie gotówki lub kartą, co – nie ukrywam – wymagało od nas dodatkowego czasu i zaangażowania osoby na recepcji. Zależało nam na tym, żeby klub działał niezależnie i bezobsługowo. I tu z odpowiedzią na nasze potrzeby również przyszedł program WodGuru.

Jak wdrożenie WodGuru wpłynęło na Twój klub i Twoje prywatne życie?

Odkąd przeszliśmy na włączenie sprzedaży online zaoszczędziliśmy czas, jeden etat – recepcjonistki – oraz znaczną ilość wystawionych paragonów fiskalnych. Nasi klubowicze nie muszą stać w kolejce na recepcji, żeby uregulować swoje płatności. Mogą karnet kupić niezależnie, o każdej porze dnia i nocy. Przeszło 80% osób korzysta z tego rozwiązania. Klubowicze są zadowoleni i my również doceniamy tę zmianę.

Komu poleciłabyś ten system?

System WodGuru jest świetnym rozwiązaniem dla klubów, które chcą znaleźć realne oszczędności i doskonalić swój klub i jeszcze lepiej nim zarządzać. Poza tym, wszystkie pomysły i problemy rozwiązywane są szybko i konkretnie. Zawsze możemy liczyć na profesjonalizm i otwartość oraz wsparcie ekipy z WodGuru.

Serdecznie polecam!

Online payments perfectly solved!
Mateusz, Krav Maga UnityMateusz, Krav Maga Unity
We have been using the program for 3 months and it meets our expectations 100% so far. A perfectly solved system of payment for memberships, intuitive management of schedules, and a simple client app. In addition, a very reliable service - I have never experienced problems being solved within 1-5 minutes. And here we have it, which makes the work of our club much more efficient 🙂 I really recommend it to everyone!
Online payments and receipt automation have completely changed the work of the reception desk
Piotrek, FIS studioPiotrek, FIS studio
It is super easy to use! I wish I'd found it years ago! The most helpful part of WodGuru is its simplicity and friendly layout which makes the reception of a fitness studio work easy. Online payments and receipt automation have completely changed the work of the reception desk. The system is developing every day. After spending 9 years with another software, it took me literally 2 weeks to get to know (and love) WodGuru!
Thanks to WodGuru app I'm able to save a lot of time
Piotr, Trener personalny/ Trener przygotowania motorycznegoPiotr, Trener personalny/ Trener przygotowania motorycznego
The WodGuru system helps me improve my personal trainer business. Thanks to the app, I can save a lot of time that I previously have spent on organizing my schedule. WodGuru allowed me to systematize registration, payments and "rules of the game" (things like registration for trainings, setting limits on people in classes, specifying the time for registration and issue with unnotified absences).🔥 A client that is scheduling his first training must first purchase the appropriate package to be included in the schedule - which gives me the assurance that the training will actually take place. The possibility of integration with a website and a payment system, e.g. Przelewy24, allows quick payments and streamlined transactions. Finally, the most important thing - WodGuru is only 3pln zloty per registered member, which is a very competitive solution for running a trainer's business or a training studio.💪
Online payments are a great convenience!
Sylwia Horodeńska, N50Sylwia Horodeńska, N50
I recommend WodGuru, we have been working on it since May 2021. ✅ Selling memberships is very easy, and there is a very clear interface for the reception - no more mistakes! 👏 ✅ Online payments are a great convenience. Payments by bank transfer and card. ✅ Online booking is a blessing, easy to use for customers of all ages. Reservation for new and existing club members - no problem 👌 The waitlist is a great option as well as the automatic cancellation of classes below a certain number of people. ✅ We tested the program, and although I was already convinced, I made sure that this is what we need.
The access control system works very well and harmonizes nicely with WodGuru!
Jakub, Siłownia ŁebaJakub, Siłownia Łeba
Looking for a company and people to help me open a remotely operated gym, I came across WodGuru. It was really a bull's-eye - the cooperation with Aneta, Tomek and Grześ is great! I was one of the first gyms to start using the QR system. When it comes to remote reception, I can deal with most matters directly from the phone. This is a huge relief for me because I also run other activities. I don't need to worry about payments, receipts, signups etc. The access system also works very well and harmonizes nicely with WodGuru. I dreamed of a gym that would generate optimal costs, where the service takes minimum amount of time and is not dependent on the employees' availability. Cooperation with WodGuru gives me all of that. I highly recommend it!
"Previously, I did everything manually, which required a lot of time every day"
Asia, Przystanek InspiracjaAsia, Przystanek Inspiracja
I have been using WodGuru for 6 months. Previously, I did everything manually, which required a lot of time every day to update all registrations, payments, respond to a lot of messages, etc. At the moment, the time I used to spend on those, I can devote to the development of the studio, because most of it is done for me. Additionally, each customer can check everything on an ongoing basis, pay for the membership or sign up for classes. The rules are very clear and the system is transparent. Moreover, I can check everything on my phone at any time - which makes it easier. Working time at reception has also become much shorter - there are definitely fewer questions about simple issues such as signups/signouts. A huge advantage is that WodGuru is constantly making improvements and listens to suggestions regarding our needs and new ideas. Their helpdesk always answers to our questions very quickly. I recommend it!

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*Only for gym owners!