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wod guru is the best

Система призначена для невеликих тренажерних залів.

Ітнуітивно зрозміле, ефективну і дешеве програмування, яке зніме навантаження під час роботи в невеликому тренажерному залі / студії / боксі.
Save half an hour per gym member every month.
It’s one of the most recommended solutions for gym owners on the market!

Безкоштовний місяць · Просте налаштування · Кредитна картка не потрібна
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We save you an average of 30 minutes per gym member per month!

Самообслуговування учасників

Ви можете легко інтегрувати WodGuru у свій веб-сайт. Ваші нові учасники можуть створити акаунт, зареєструватися на курси та сплачувати за членство безпосередньо з вашого веб-сайту.

Заощадження грошей

Ми робимо все простішим - для Вас! Як? Ми автоматизуємо Ваші завдання. Ми просимо ваших учасників робити Все самі, не заважаючи Вам. Крім того, ми не беремо багато :)

Мобільний додаток для учасників

Додаток можете використовувати Ви та Ваші учасники. Ви можете легко керувати всім тренажерним залом у своєму телефоні. Ваші учасники можуть записуватися на заняття, відстежувати свою фізичну форму, платити за членство та переглядати всю історію транзакцій.


WodGuru доступний з кожного пристрою, підключеного до Інтернету. Ось чому, де б ви не були, ви повністю контролюєте свій тренажерний зал.

Пункт продажі

Наш простий у використанні додаток для точки продажу може бути легко інтегрований з обладнанням. Як основна частина платформи, ваша команда може керувати базою користувачів, інвентаризацією та ініціювати транзакції.

Дуже простий у використанні

Business owners don't like complex tools, we know that. That’s why WodGuru keeps things as simple as possible so you can quickly kick start using our solution and make your gym management a breeze.

Email and SMS automation

Automated sign-ups and sign-outs


WWW integration

Online payments

Responsive support

Sales automation

Recommendation system

Workout programming

Online workout schedule

To-do lists

Mobile device access

Sales, storage, invoices

Discount codes

Перевірте, що ще ми можемо зробити для вас

We are the most frequently recommended gym software around! favorite
WodGuru supports our two dance schools!
Jurek, MohitoJurek, Mohito
We have been using WodGuru for almost two years, it supports our two dance schools. The software makes our lives incredibly easy, simplifies customer service - and the support is amazing! You can count on help almost immediately. I highly recommend it!
The reception desk is now unnecessary, every club member signs up for classes himself
Agnieszka, SocaAgnieszka, Soca
I recommend WodGuru for club management. Thanks to you, I was able to introduce online pre-sale of memberships. The reception desk is now unnecessary, because every club member signs up for classes himself and has access to our schedule. The automation of sending messages to customers helped me a lot, too. Everything in one place. A lot of time and money saved. Satisfied customers. Highly recommend ♥ ️
Our clients loved signing up for classes directly from smartphones!
Darek, Base training CenterDarek, Base training Center
We are a local gym. Being forced to change the system, we had many concerns about the organization our work related to the customer service... Unnecessarily 🙂 From the very beginning of our cooperation, we were delighted with the incredibly fast responses from the support and the ease of navigating the system. A huge advantage is also the possibility for our clients to have their own app. They loved the ability to sign up for their favorite classes directly from smartphones. And when our club members are satisfied, we are satisfied, too!
Clarity of how much your invoice will be
Patrycja, Dance-artPatrycja, Dance-art
I was looking for a new customer service software for my studio and I found WodGuru. 💛 Like any change, this one also caused us anxiety whether we would have all the functionalities we are used to have. After the first weeks of work at WodGuru, together with the team, we came to conclusion: it was a good change.🤩 What charmed us: 💚 SIMPLICITY - there are no dark corners, guesses, everything is clear and simple. And if you have a problem, you get help right away. What got me as the owner of the studio? 📞 CONTACT - you have the opportunity to talk to a person, dispel doubts, solve problems. 💰 FINANCE - clarity of how much your invoice will be - fixed price, the ability to attach modules that you actually use. 😅 And I like your sense of humor that appears in various parts of the system. 🥰 I recommend it, no doubts!💪
Thanks to WodGuru, my clients can sign up at any time of the day or night!
Ania, PasjaMojaiTy.plAnia, PasjaMojaiTy.pl
What a fantastic app! I love it, my clients can now sign up and sign out of classes easily! Thanks to WodGuru, they can do it at any time of the day or night - and you, as the person running the club, do not you have to worry about the list of attendance. Everything happens automatically here! The app is very helpful, you can use many other functions, such as selling your products online. And again, it all happens automatically and you get noticed about everything via @ or in the app directly. If you are still wondering whether it is worth trying, my answer is a big YES! Do not hesitate no more, because time is money - and you can use this time for much more pleasant things than sitting in front of a spreadsheet as it was in my case ;)
Receptionist costs are in my pocket and I have more time to train people!
Justyna, Klub Fitness FiguraJustyna, Klub Fitness Figura
WodGuru is the best thing that could have happened to me as a club owner and instructor at the same time! Constant calls, texts, messenger, registration for classes, signouts... it was too much stress. And now WodGuru has saved my time and money!!! Clients sign up, sign out 😁 I know how many clients I have in class, I know what database I have, how many clients go to the club. Receptionist costs are in my pocket and I have more time to train people and enjoy my passion for fitness!!! WodGuru is the system your club needs immediately!!! 😁💪💪💪
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