How to Open a Martial Arts School in 2024 (Step-By-Step Guide)


Do you dream of empowering others through discipline and a martial arts focus? Opening a martial arts school in 2024 is a strategic and rewarding venture for enthusiasts who want to share their passion and experience in martial arts with a wider audience.  

The art of teaching martial arts goes beyond physical techniques; it includes cultivating discipline, respect and mental strength among students. Whether you focus on karate, judo, taekwondo or mixed martial arts, the right location will play a key role in attracting and retaining students. It needs to be accessible, safe and conducive to teaching rigorous martial arts disciplines.

This comprehensive guide will be your virtual sensei, guiding you through the necessary steps to open a martial arts school in 2024. We’ll also explore how modern martial arts software can streamline your operations, allowing you to focus on what matters most – nurturing the next generation of martial artists. So strap on your gi, step onto the mat and get ready to turn your passion into a thriving martial arts school!

Join us – we’ll take you deep into the basics of opening a martial arts school in 2024, making sure you have all the knowledge and tools to create a thriving martial arts community.

Martial arts school owners - how to open a studio?

What is the martial arts industry?

The martial arts industry is a global network of businesses and organizations offering instruction and training in various combat disciplines. The martial arts will involve businesses and organizations involved in the teaching, practice, and promotion of martial arts disciplines such as karate, taekwondo, judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and mixed martial arts (MMA).

New martial arts school - how to create it?

It includes martial arts schools, training centers, equipment suppliers, event promoters, and media production companies. This industry serves a wide range of participants, from casual practitioners seeking fitness and self-defense skills to competitive athletes training for tournaments and professional fights.

This industry caters to individuals seeking self-defense training, physical fitness, or competitive opportunities. Overall, the martial arts industry is a thriving sector that provides physical, mental, and social benefits to millions of people worldwide.

How to start a martial arts school? 

Remember about those main points! 

  • Choose your style: Select a specific martial art style (e.g., Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) or offer a combination of disciplines.
  • Location & facilities: Find a suitable space with enough room for training and consider factors like rent and accessibility.
  • Qualified instructors: Assemble a team of certified and experienced instructors who align with your vision.
  • Business management: Utilize software to manage schedules, payments, and member communication.

Step 1: Create a business plan for your own martial arts school

So you dream of starting your own martial arts school? Fantastic! But before diving headfirst, a well-crafted martial arts business plan is your martial arts roadmap to success. 

Creating a comprehensive martial art business plan is the first crucial step in establishing your own martial arts school. This plan will serve as a roadmap to guide your business decisions and help secure funding.

Prepare a business plan for your martial arts dojo

Why does a business plan matter?

  • A business plan forces you to define your vision, target market, and financial goals. It acts as a guiding light for your journey.
  • If you need funding, a solid business plan demonstrates your expertise and increases your chances of acquiring investors.
  • Your plan is a living document. As your school evolves, revisit and adapt it to stay on track and capitalize on new opportunities.

Good to know! 

A business plan is a continuous work in progress. Regularly review and update it as your school grows and market conditions evolve.

Step 2: Create a business structure for the martial arts school

Once your business plan is in place, it’s time to choose a legal structure for your martial arts school. This seemingly technical step has a significant impact on how your business runs smoothly, interacts with the government, and manages finances.

Create a solid business plan for martial arts school owner

Here’s a breakdown of common structures and some “good to know” points to consider!

  • Sole Proprietorship: The simplest structure, where you own and operate the business. This offers flexibility but exposes you to full liability for any debts or legal issues. Ideal for a small school with a limited number of students, but consider potential limitations as your business grows.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): A popular choice for small businesses, offering personal liability protection (your personal assets are shielded from business debts). Offers more flexibility than a corporation but might involve slightly more complex tax filing requirements.
  • Corporation: Provides the most liability protection but comes with the most complex setup and ongoing formalities. This structure might be suitable for much larger schools with significant financial resources and potential for attracting investors.


Consider your long-term vision of your martial arts studio. If you plan to expand your school significantly, a structure like an LLC might offer better scalability compared to a sole proprietorship.

Step 3: Find niche for your new martial arts business

In the dynamic world of martial arts schools, carving out your niche – best types of martial arts is essential for attracting prospective students and standing out from the crowd. While established schools may offer a variety of disciplines, new business owners can benefit from strategic specialization.

Find niche for your martial arts classes

Specializing in a particular martial art allows you to focus on building your expertise and that of your instructors. Students seeking a specific discipline will be drawn to instructors with deep knowledge and experience in that style.

Many martial arts schools offer a general range of classes. By specializing, you can differentiate yourself and avoid getting lost in the competition. You can position your school as the premier destination for a particular martial art in your local area.


Be prepared to adjust your business structure as your school grows. This includes scaling up operations, hiring additional staff, and expanding services. Prioritize prospective students’ satisfaction and community building. Happy students are more likely to stay long-term and refer others.

Different types of martial arts

Focusing on a specific martial art (e.g., Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai) allows you to tailor your curriculum and marketing efforts to attract a well-defined student base with shared interests and goals. This targeted approach allows you to build a strong reputation within your chosen niche.

What type of teaching martial art will you specialize in?

Here are brief characteristics of each types of martial arts schools:

  • Muay Thai (Thai Boxing): Known for its powerful kicks, knees, elbows, and clinch work. Offers a great workout and emphasizes self-defense practicality.
  • Kickboxing: Combines punches and kicks from various disciplines like Muay Thai and boxing. Offers a high-intensity workout and is popular for fitness enthusiasts.
  • Boxing: Focuses on punching technique, footwork, and head movement. Excellent for building cardiovascular endurance and coordination.
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ): Teaches ground fighting techniques for controlling and submitting opponents. Emphasizes leverage and technique over brute strength.
  • Judo: A Japanese Olympic sport emphasizing throws and takedowns. Builds grappling skills and throws for self-defense situations.
  • Wrestling: Focuses on takedowns, pins, and throws. Excellent for developing strength, conditioning, and wrestling-specific techniques.
  • Karate: Offers a blend of punching, kicking, and blocking techniques. Emphasizes discipline, respect, and self-defense principles.
  • Taekwondo: Known for its dynamic kicks and emphasis on legwork. Promotes physical fitness, self-control, and mental focus.
  • Mixed Martial Arts (MMA): Combines various fighting styles, including striking and grappling. Popular choice for those seeking a well-rounded approach to self-defense and competition.

Step 4: Make a martial arts club market research

Before launching your martial arts school, conducting thorough market research is essential. This crucial step equips you with valuable insights to inform your marketing strategies, optimize your location, and ultimately, attract a thriving student base.

Martial arts target planning

Research the local market at martial arts location

Analyze existing martial arts schools in your area. What styles do they offer? What are their pricing structures and class schedules? Identify any gaps in the market – is there a specific discipline not readily available? Understanding the competitive landscape allows you to position your school strategically and cater to underserved demographics.

Research local fitness centers and community centers that might offer some martial arts classes. Gauge the overall demand for martial arts in your area. Understanding the competition and demand landscape allows you to identify potential opportunities and develop targeted marketing strategies to attract students to your unique school.

Identify target demographics

Who are your ideal students? Are you focusing on children, adults, or both? Are you targeting self-defense seekers, fitness enthusiasts, or competition-oriented individuals? Understanding your target audience’s needs, preferences, and income levels allows you to tailor your marketing messages, class offerings, and pricing to resonate with them.

Step 5: Obtain martial arts training certification to become part of local market

The path to opening a successful martial arts school requires dedication, passion, and proper qualifications. Earning a martial arts training certification is a crucial step that validates your skills, establishes credibility, and paves the way for attracting students in your local market.

Own school - prepare office space and training program

While certification is essential, remember that ongoing training and development are crucial. Regularly attend workshops, seminars, and advanced training sessions to refine your skills and stay at the forefront of your chosen martial art.

The time and effort invested in obtaining a martial arts certification are valuable investments in your future as a business owner. This credential strengthens your position within the local market, allowing you to confidently compete for students and build a successful martial business.


Several reputable martial arts associations offer certification programs. Choose one recognized within your chosen style (e.g., Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation, USA Judo) and aligned with your teaching goals.

Certification programs typically involve a combination of practical skill demonstrations, written exams, and sometimes, teaching experience prerequisites.

Step 6: Set up your new own dojo and get more money

Your martial arts school’s location is a crucial decision that directly impacts student enrollment and ultimately, your revenue stream. Don’t be afraid to get creative! Consider shared spaces with other fitness studios or explore pop-up dojo concepts in high-traffic areas to test the waters before committing to a long-term lease.

New school - think of suitable location

Prioritize a location that’s easily accessible by car, public transportation, or bike. Look for areas with good traffic flow and well-lit streets for evening classes. Consider areas with high foot traffic, like shopping centers or near schools and community centers. High visibility attracts attention and sparks curiosity among potential students.

Ample parking is essential. Free or affordable parking options are highly desirable, especially if your classes cater to families or students driving themselves. Think long-term. Will the space accommodate potential growth in student enrollment? Look for spaces with flexible layouts or the option to expand into adjoining areas in the future.

Step 7: Create a local businesses with the best membership fees

In today’s competitive landscape, local businesses need to find creative ways to attract and retain customers. A well-structured membership program (thanks to gym membership management software) with the “right” pricing strategy can be a powerful tool to achieve this. By setting competitive membership fees and offering flexible pricing options, you can attract a wide range of clients and ensure your dojo remains profitable.

Business work - think of martial arts school like tae kwon or karate

Implement a tiered pricing model to cater to different budgets and needs. Think of average gym membership cost. For example:

  • Basic Membership: Access to a limited number of classes per week. ($100-$120/month)
  • Standard Membership: Unlimited classes and additional perks like free guest passes. ($130-$160/month)
  • Premium Membership: Includes unlimited classes, personal training sessions, and special events. ($170-$200/month)
  • Personal Training: Offer personal training sessions with certified instructors for an additional fee. ($50-$100 per session)

Step 8: Buy or hire training equipment for your own martial art schools

Proper equipment enhances the training experience, ensures student safety, and supports effective teaching of martial arts techniques. When deciding whether to buy or hire equipment, consider factors such as budget, frequency of use, and long-term costs. Purchasing equipment like mats, punching bags, protective gear, and training weapons can be more cost-effective in the long run and ensures consistent availability.

Think of equipment costs for your business

Hiring equipment might be a viable option for specialized gear that is used infrequently or for short-term needs. Regardless of the approach, ensure all equipment meets safety standards to prevent injuries and minimize risks, which is vital for maintaining liability insurance. Neglecting the quality and availability of training equipment is a common reason martial arts schools fail, as it directly impacts student satisfaction and retention.

Step 9: Use martial arts management software

Feeling bogged down by paperwork and administrative tasks? There’s a better way! A gym automation system can revolutionize your dojo, freeing up your time to focus on what truly matters – your students and their martial arts journey. This powerful martial arts software is a game-changer, saving more money and effort while boosting efficiency.

WodGuru - martial arts business manager software in US

Streamline your operations and empower your martial arts instructors with a user-friendly gym membership app (member app). Say goodbye to administrative burdens and hello to effortless organization. Professional sports facility management software tackles tasks like scheduling, enrollment, and billing, allowing you and your instructors to dedicate more time to teaching and fostering a strong martial arts community.

Martial art dojo management software - choose WodGuru

What are the main benefits for using martial arts management software?

Embrace technology and transform your dojo into a well-oiled machine.

  • Effortless Scheduling & Booking: Optimize class schedules, allowing students to easily book online and minimizing class overcrowding.
  • Flexible Payments: Offer seamless online payment options for memberships, class packages, or individual classes, enhancing the overall student experience.
  • Communication Made Easy: Keep students informed through automated notifications about upcoming classes, promotions, or schedule changes.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Gain valuable insights through clear reports on class attendance, sales trends, and student preferences. Utilize these insights to make informed decisions for your school’s growth and continued success.

Step 10: Hire qualified instructors to get more students

Seek qualified and experienced instructors who possess a deep passion for teaching martial arts. They should demonstrate expertise in their chosen style(s) and possess the ability to connect with students of all ages and skill levels. Exceptional martial arts instructors deliver high-quality classes, fostering a positive learning environment that leads to better student retention and overall satisfaction.

Build perfect community center for self defense school

Top-notch instructors are a game-changer.  By assembling a team of passionate and skilled educators, you can set your school apart from the competition and establish a thriving, reputable dojo that’s poised for long-term success.

Step 11: Building a loyal clientele and profitable own business

Your instructors and students play a crucial role in creating a welcoming and supportive environment for your business. Ability to motivate, inspire, and connect with individuals is just as important as their technical skills.

How many students do you need? Sometimes… just one is good to get more potential customers. Satisfied students become your best marketing tools.  Exceptional instructors who cultivate positive student experiences will naturally generate positive word-of-mouth recommendations, attracting new students and bolstering your school’s reputation.

Starting a martial arts - your own studio

Establish a strong online presence. Create a user-friendly website showcasing your school’s philosophy, instructors’ credentials, and class schedules. Utilize social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to connect with potential students, share training clips, and promote upcoming events.

Step 12: Make grand opening event for potential students

Opening a martial arts school is a fulfilling journey, allowing you to share your passion for martial arts and empower others on their training path. A grand opening event is a powerful tool to introduce your dojo to the community and build a strong foundation for success.

Prepare your business for grand opening

A vibrant grand opening event offers a unique opportunity to introduce your martial arts school to the local community and create a lasting, positive impression. Showcase your facilities, highlight your instructors’ expertise, and give potential students a taste of what your dojo offers.

A well-planned grand opening event is a marketing powerhouse. Generate buzz and attract media attention to spread awareness about your dojo’s launch. Newspapers, local blogs, and social media can all be leveraged to amplify the event’s reach and attract potential students from a wider audience.

Step 13: Get involved in teaching martial arts community to make connections

Engaging with the martial arts teaching community is essential for building a martial arts school. By actively participating in local and national martial arts organizations, attending seminars, and joining online forums, you can connect with other instructors, share knowledge, and stay updated on industry trends. 

Networking with fellow martial artists allows you to exchange ideas, gain insights into best practices, and potentially collaborate on events or programs. These connections can also lead to mentorship opportunities and referrals, which can be invaluable for new school owners. Active involvement demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in teaching martial arts, further solidifying your reputation within the community

Think of best martial arts styles to teach

Additional expenses include licensing, insurance, marketing, and initial instructor salaries. Creating a detailed budget as part of your business plan will help you understand how much money you need to open a dance studio and ensure you cover all necessary costs for a successful launch.

How many types of martial arts are there?

There are hundreds of types of martial arts practiced worldwide, each with its own unique techniques, philosophies, and histories. Each type of martial art offers unique benefits and caters to different interests and goals, whether for self-defense, competition, physical fitness, or personal development. The diversity of martial arts ensures that there is a style suitable for everyone, regardless of age, physical ability, or personal preference.

Create place to practice martial arts

Martial arts can be broadly categorized into several main types based on their origin, style, and focus:

Striking Martial Arts

Karate: Originating from Japan, focuses on punches, kicks, and open-hand strikes.

Taekwondo: A Korean martial art known for its high, fast kicks and dynamic footwork.

Muay Thai: Also known as Thai boxing, emphasizes the use of elbows, knees, and clinch techniques.

Grappling Martial Arts

Judo: A Japanese martial art focused on throws, joint locks, and pins.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ): Specializes in ground fighting and submission holds, originating from Brazil.

Wrestling: A global sport with various styles like freestyle, Greco-Roman, and folkstyle, emphasizing takedowns and pins.

Throwing Martial Arts

Aikido: Japanese martial art that uses joint locks and throws to redirect an opponent’s energy.

Sambo: A Russian martial art combining judo and wrestling techniques.

Weapon-Based Martial Arts

Kendo: The Japanese art of sword fighting using bamboo swords and protective armor.

Eskrima: A Filipino martial art focusing on stick fighting, bladed weapons, and empty-hand techniques.

Fencing: A Western martial art involving swordplay with foils, épées, or sabres.

Hybrid and Mixed Martial Arts

MMA (Mixed Martial Arts): Combines techniques from various martial arts disciplines, including striking, grappling, and submissions.

Jeet Kune Do: Developed by Bruce Lee, emphasizes adaptability and incorporates elements from different martial arts.

Internal Martial Arts

Tai Chi: A Chinese martial art known for its slow, flowing movements and focus on internal energy (Qi).

Bagua Zhang: Involves circular movements and fluid footwork, also from China.

Xing Yi Quan: Combines aggressive, linear movements with internal power.

Traditional and Cultural Martial Arts

Kung Fu: Encompasses a wide variety of Chinese martial arts styles, each with its own techniques and philosophies.

Capoeira: A Brazilian martial art that blends dance, acrobatics, and music.

Savate: A French martial art focusing on kicks and punches, often practiced with gloves and shoes.

Key Takeaways


How much does it cost to open a martial arts school? The cost to build a dojo can vary widely based on several factors, including location, size, and the level of amenities you wish to provide. Depending on the location, the cost to rent or purchase a suitable space can range from $1,000 to $10,000 per month for rent or $50,000 to several hundred thousand dollars for purchasing property. 

You need to add costs of training equipment, furnishing. Registering your business, obtaining permits, and legal consultations can cost around $1,000 to $5,000. Hiring qualified instructors can cost from $20 to $50 per hour, depending on their experience and qualifications.

In summary, the total cost to build a dojo can range from $50,000 to $200,000 or more, depending on your specific requirements and location. Careful planning and budgeting are crucial to ensure that your dojo is set up efficiently and sustainably.

Yes, you can make a living off martial arts. Martial arts school owners and instructors can earn a steady income by offering a variety of services such as group classes, private lessons, workshops, and merchandise sales. Key factors include having a solid business plan, effective marketing strategies, high-quality instruction, and efficient management.

Starting a martial arts business with no money requires resourcefulness and strategic planning. You can think of business loans or just open a small business. The other option is to find individuals who believe in your vision and can provide financial support.

Start by offering classes in local community centers, schools, or parks to avoid rental costs.  Offer free classes in exchange for space, marketing, or other needed services. Begin with minimal equipment and expand as you generate revenue.

Generate initial funds by selling discounted memberships or class packages in advance with a low monthly fee. By creatively utilizing available resources and gradually building your business, you can launch a martial arts school with limited financial investment.

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