12 Strategies How to Increase Gym Member Retention in 2024


Member retention is the measure of how many of your gym members keep their membership active, so it’s about customer loyalty. Obtaining an upward trend is also related to acquiring new customers. 

How well is it going at your fitness business? Do you need ideas and support in this area? 

In this article, we write about 12 strategies to increase gym membership retention. Check which of them you already know and use, and which ones are worth introducing.

Satisfied gym or health club members grow your retention rate.

Key Takeaways

What Is a Gym Membership Retention?

Member retention in a gym refers to the ability of the gym to keep its existing members actively engaged and committed over time.

It involves strategies and efforts to maintain high levels of satisfaction, motivation, and loyalty among gym members, reducing the likelihood of cancellations or membership dropouts. The ability to retain members is crucial for the gym’s financial stability and long-term success.

A high gym or health club member retention requires creativity in approach, for example, to different age groups.

12 Strategies How to Increase Gym Membership Retention

How to increase gym member retention rate? Generally speaking, be friendly, offer good value for the money, engage your customers and make their experience easy and enjoyable. Gather the members feedback in your fitness center and react according to it.

As a gym owner you actually need to attract new members by offering them exceptional workout experience and keep your existing gym members engaged in your fitness business. So simple, but so difficult at the same time… Let’s check what to do!

A friendly atmosphere can boost gym member retention

How To Attract New Gym Members

Remember that a good member retention result in the fitness industry is not only about maintaining regular customers, but also about acquiring new ones. So let’s start with ways to attract new members.

1. Free Trial Memberships

In order to lift the customer retention, offer a limited-time free trial to allow potential members to experience the gym’s facilities and classes before committing. Free personal training sessions give a sample of your activities and the atmosphere of the place.

Don’t be discouraged if not every invited guest becomes your client. But you will certainly attract people who like your style and your idea for a fitness business. Cooperation with them will be easy, because you share the same values. They will also recommend your gym to people with similar interests and tastes.

2. Referral Programs

Encourage current members to refer friends and family by offering rewards, such as discounts, free classes, or merchandise for successful referrals. This is how you can broaden your gym community.

For example, at WodGuru we call such a solution the Ambassador Program. It gives you the opportunity to save money in your user wallet for later use as a reward for recommending our gym management software to other users.

3. Community Outreach

Participate in local events, such as health fairs, charity runs, or community festivals, to increase visibility and build connections within the community.

Both organizing and participating in industry events will give your customers additional emotions that will make them want to come back. 

Read about gym events ideas that will help boost your recognition.

4. Engage on Social Media

Use social media platforms to share success stories, fitness tips, class schedules, and promotions, and engage with potential members through targeted ads and interactive content. 

Get to know more about gym social media marketing from our another article.

Invest in targeted advertising campaigns on Google, Facebook, or Instagram to reach a broader audience and attract potential members.

5. Engage in Influencer Marketing

Partner with local fitness influencers or people creating fitness blogs, who can promote your gym to their followers, creating credibility and driving interest.

Influencer marketing effectiveness

A study by Tomoson found that businesses see an average of $5.78 in earned media value (EMV) for every $1 spent on influencer marketing, with fitness brands seeing even higher returns.

Research from Mediakix indicates that 70% of marketers find influencer marketing effective for increasing brand awareness.

6. Offer as much convenience and speed as possible

In dealing with matters related to your gym. This will encourage new customers. Facilitating contact, cancellation and making up classes, gym payment systems, a gym POS and a gym CRM are the features of a gym management software that is worth introducing in your gym. 

Talk about it in all advertising materials you publish, on social media, through influencers, and in GoogleAds.

Get the members engaged by offering them easy payment options.

How To Retain Existing Members

Retaining existing members is crucial to the long-term success of any gym. Attracting new members is important, sure. But if you know how to retain customers by assuring current members stay motivated and satisfied, you will significantly boost retention rates and overall profitability. 

Below we’ll explore effective strategies to foster loyalty, improve member experience in their fitness journey, and create a sense of community that encourages gym-goers to stick around for the long haul. 

From personalized fitness plans, through community building to consistent communication, discover the key tactics for gym owners to enhance member retention in the fitness place.

One of membership retention strategies is to build a strong community.

7. Mobile App Integration

Create a fitness app that tracks workouts, schedules classes, and allows easy communication between members and staff. Then, make it available to your members.

This app should also offer personalized workout plans, provide progress tracking and analytics, and send reminders for upcoming sessions. Additionally, it should integrate with fitness devices, offer virtual class options, and facilitate social interactions within the gym community to keep you motivated and engaged.

You can also order or buy a white label fitness app. The purpose of such a product is to show only your logo and the entire visual identification, thanks to which you will accustom customers to your brand.

8. Feedback Mechanisms

Regularly solicit feedback from members through a gym survey or suggestion boxes to understand their needs and improve services.

Use both this input and gym reporting to make data-driven decisions on facility upgrades, class offerings, and overall member experience. Act on the feedback by addressing common concerns, introducing new features or classes based on popular requests, and communicating the changes made in response to their suggestions to show that their opinions are valued and impactful.

9. Personalized Onboarding

Provide a welcoming orientation for new members, including facility tours, introductions to staff, and personalized fitness assessments.

Personalized onboarding is one of the important elements of high gym membership retention.

At the beginning of the fitness adventure, ask your client about their date of birth so that you can send wishes from your gym CRM software. Simple yet lovely!

10. Regular Communication

Send regular emails or app notifications with updates, fitness tips, workout plans, and event announcements to keep members engaged. 

Include motivational content like workout quotes, success stories from fellow members, and exclusive offers or promotions to enhance their experience. Personalize the communication based on their fitness interests and participation history to make it relevant and valuable. This consistent engagement helps to maintain a strong connection with members, encourages continued participation, and fosters a sense of community within the gym.

11. Offer a Variety of Classes

Ensure a diverse range of fitness classes (e.g., yoga, spinning, HIIT) to cater to different interests and fitness levels.

By offering a variety of options, you can accommodate beginners and advanced participants alike, and provide choices that align with different fitness goals and preferences. Regularly update the class schedule to include new trends and popular formats, and consider offering specialty classes or workshops to keep the offerings fresh and engaging. 

This approach helps to attract and retain members by meeting their diverse needs and keeping their workouts interesting and effective.

Remember there are different options of a gym software for different fitness specializations! It makes your work easier and more personalized. 

12. Flexible Membership Options

Offer flexible membership plans that include different durations and payment options to accommodate members’ varying needs. Make it easy thanks to fitness booking software.

Provide options such as monthly, quarterly, and annual memberships, as well as single-class passes or multi-visit packages. Consider offering discounts for long-term commitments or family plans to make membership more accessible. 

Additionally, allow for easy upgrades or pauses in membership to adapt to changing circumstances, ensuring that members can find a plan that best suits their lifestyle and budget.

BONUS: How to Maintain Loyal Members

A satisfied customer will recommend your place to his family and friends. So, what more can you do to make your gym’s reputation steadily positive?

  1. State-of-the-Art Equipment: Have modern, well-maintained equipment and ensure the facility is clean and safe.
  2. Consistent Staff Training: Ensure staff are friendly, approachable, and knowledgeable by providing ongoing training and development.
  3. Personal Training Services: Provide access to certified personal trainers for personalized workout plans and motivation.
Satisfied members will encourage others to come to your place and boost retention.

What Is a Good Retention Rate?

Gym member retention rates in percentage represent the proportion of members who remain enrolled in a gym over a specific period of time, typically calculated monthly or annually. 

It is an important metric for understanding the stability and growth of a gym’s membership base. Here’s what different rates in percentages can mean:

Understanding Gym Membership Retention Rates

  • High Retention Rate (80% or above): This indicates that a large majority of members are satisfied and continue their memberships. It suggests strong member engagement, effective service delivery, and a positive gym environment. High retention rates are typically the goal for gyms, reflecting member loyalty and effective retention strategies.
  • Moderate Retention Rate (60% – 79%): A rate in this range shows that more than half of the members are staying, but there is room for improvement. This might indicate some dissatisfaction or unmet needs among members, suggesting the need for enhancements in customer service, facility maintenance, or program offerings.
  • Low Retention Rate (Below 60%): A percentage below 60% is a red flag, indicating significant member turnover. This could be due to several factors such as poor customer service, inadequate facilities, lack of engaging programs, or better competition. Gyms with low retention rates need to assess their current strategies and make immediate improvements to prevent further member loss.

What Does Gym Membership Retention Depend On?

Gym membership retention depends on several key factors that influence a member’s decision to stay with or leave a gym. These factors include:

  1. Member Experience: A positive overall experience, including welcoming staff and gym owners, a supportive environment, and a clean, well-maintained facility, greatly impacts retention.
  2. Quality of Services: Access to high-quality equipment, diverse fitness classes, and knowledgeable trainers can keep members engaged and satisfied with their membership.
  3. Personalization and Support: Providing personalized attention, such as customized workout plans, regular check-ins, and tailored advice, helps members feel valued and supported in their fitness journey.
  4. Community and Social Environment: A strong sense of community and opportunities for social interaction can increase member loyalty, making them more likely to stay.
  5. Results and Progress: Members are more likely to stay if they see tangible results and progress toward their fitness goals. Effective training programs and goal-setting assistance are crucial.
  6. Communication and Engagement: Regular communication through emails, newsletters, and social media keeps members informed and engaged, reducing the likelihood of them leaving.
Friendly and qualified staff is a valuable asset in the fitness industry.
  1. Flexibility and Convenience: Offering flexible membership options, class schedules, and amenities like childcare can accommodate members’ diverse needs and lifestyles, improving retention.
  2. Incentives and Rewards: Incentive programs and rewards for consistent attendance, referrals, or reaching milestones can motivate members to stay committed.
  3. Feedback and Adaptability: Actively seeking member feedback and making improvements based on their suggestions can show that the gym values their input and is committed to enhancing their experience.
  4. Pricing and Value: A perceived balance between the cost of membership and the value received (in terms of facilities, services, and results) is essential for retention. Members are more likely to stay if they feel they are getting good value for their money.


To increase your gym member retention rate, you do not need to purchase paid advertising campaigns or hire additional specialists. 

Use your resources – your work and creativity, your employees’ commitment and ingenuity. Create a friendly and engaging atmosphere in your gym to encourage members to come back to you.

Key strategies for gym member retention include:

  1. Personalized Experience: Offer tailored workout plans and personal training.
  2. Strong Community: Foster a welcoming environment with events and group classes.
  3. Regular Communication: Keep members informed through emails, apps, or social media.
  4. Member Recognition: Celebrate achievements and offer loyalty rewards.
  5. Feedback & Improvement: Actively seek and implement member feedback.
  6. Flexible Memberships: Provide convenient options for freezing or adjusting memberships.
  7. Supportive Staff: Ensure staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and available for assistance.

To increase your gym attendance, focus on creating a motivating and enjoyable environment. Offer a variety of engaging group classes, update workout equipment, and provide personalized fitness plans to meet members’ individual goals. Regularly communicate with members through emails, apps, or social media to promote new programs or challenges. Incentivize attendance with rewards or referral programs, and foster a sense of community through events or social gatherings. Lastly, ensure staff is supportive and approachable to keep gym members motivated and coming back.

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