17 Ways to Improve Your BJJ Gym You Wouldn’t Expect


Feel like your BJJ gym needs a spark? Nothing to worry about. Although the sports business environment tends to be very competitive, we know some brilliant tips that will make your BJJ studio one of the top ones!

Before we get deeper into the topic, let’s discuss some basics. 

What makes a positive BJJ gym environment so significant?

In the BJJ gym, there are lots of things that contribute to a friendly atmosphere and environment. From reliable customer service to gym facilities. They might be small things or more significant efforts.

It is crucial to try to do your best to make your place a welcoming one. A friendly environment encourages students to learn new techniques, allowing them to focus on practicing. 

And practice makes perfect, doesn’t it?

Moreover, a positive atmosphere makes students feel comfortable and attracts new ones! A good atmosphere influences a gym’s reputation and makes regular training an empowering experience!

How to make BJJ gym better?

Here are some tips for making the most of your Brazilian jiu-jitsu club. Check out if you know them all!

#1 Use gym management software

Effective gym management software is essential for keeping your work organized. And if you’re not happy with the solution you use now, maybe it’s time to look around for a better option.

The best tool is the one that takes the burden off your shoulders. Thanks to the mobile-friendly fitness managing software, both clients and class instructors will be happy. 

Together with some reception tasks, the software may work as a CRM (customer relationship management) system. It means that it helps with managing your tasks connected to customer interactions. For example, you can automatically send personalized marketing messages. Not only that! BJJ school members will undoubtedly appreciate birthday wishes and gym membership reminders. 

It’s excellent support for head instructors with tracking the attendance list and keeping an eye on what your members like best.

WodGuru is a gym management system ideal for BJJ schools! Its robust features make running a BJJ gym easier than ever. 

#2 Provide outstanding customer service

Customer service is the core of any business. Providing excellent customer care will make people more likely to stay with you.  

The best would be assistance both in person and online. Make sure that there’s always someone at your gym ready to help. Whenever new members join your gym, give them a quick tour around, introduce them to the instructors, and show where the introductory class takes place. A small welcome gift such as a protein bar or a discount is a nice gesture as well.

Online assistance is just as necessary as helping in person. Looking for a solution? Implement a live chat or a chatbot on your website. Usually, the setup doesn’t take long, and no IT expertise is needed to start!

#3 Let more natural light in

Sunlight can be highly motivating. It also applies to exercising and creates a friendly training environment. 

Besides, sunlight is a superb mood booster for many people. Sun exposure increases serotonin production, which is often referred to as the “feel-good” hormone. 

If you’re designing your BJJ studio and have the possibility to build one with lots of windows, do it! If that isn’t an option, let sunlight get into the room by keeping windows uncovered. 

#4 Add lounge areas for post-training recovery 

Lounge areas for post-training recovery might be a fantastic investment. A comfortable and relaxing place definitely enhances the overall BJJ gym experience. Such places may include drinking fountains, comfortable seating areas, or rolling stations. 

It would be awesome if members could get extra physiotherapy sessions at your studio – maybe it would be something other martial art training places don’t offer.

Post-training recovery zones encourage gym members to get to know other BJJ lovers and make new friends – it’s a perfect place for having a conversation with practitioners.

#5 Be better than your competitors

Keep your eyes open and be aware of your competitor’s strengths and weak points. For example, go through their reviews, and see what users miss about their spot facilities. And if it’s possible, and you have resources for that, offer gym-goers something that your competitor doesn’t have!

Doing research like this makes you understand your target audience better – what their preferences and needs are and what they don’t like. It is a fantastic way of improving your marketing strategies and efforts. 

Similarly, gym business owners can gain a competitive edge and fill a market gap by closely monitoring their competitors.

#6 Offer a mentorship program

An excellent martial arts mentorship program helps students learn advanced techniques from experienced practitioners. Adjust the program to the learners – offer beginner classes, as well as advanced ones. 

Providing top-notch mentorship programs might be something that will attract new learners and will make them stay for longer! Additionally, black belt masters can identify and support talented students. 

#7 Provide flexible signup options 

Make it convenient for your gym member to sign up for classes and individual fitness training via mobile app, website, and at the reception desk. But don’t worry. Handling signups is a breeze with the gym management tool. 

WodGuru provides automated signups for material art training (and not only!). Thanks to website integration, prospective clients can quickly get an overview of the class schedule – when the classes take place and who the instructor is. And, best of all, sign up in just a few clicks. 

You don’t have to make the schedule changes separately in the app and on the website. All you need to do is type the changes once, and WodGuru will do the rest (update the schedule in the app).

To improve the customer experience at your place, provide flexible training hours. Check if you offer both morning classes, evening ones as well as weekend classes.

A quick response to clients’ and prospects’ questions and concerns is necessary for today’s fast-paced business environment. But most importantly, it is a way to establish your brand’s credibility. Aside from that, by taking care of your member immediately, you show that you care and value clients’ time. 

Providing kind, prompt responses to clients’ concerns are a way to build trust and a relationship.

Besides, there’s nothing worse than waiting hours for an email with the answer, right? Fortunately, many tools available on the market may make your job easier (for example, member software, or even an intuitive personal email finding tool if you want to reach to your clients on your own).

#9 Ensure that enough classes are available

The lack of instructors or classes may contribute to the decline in member engagement. However, with a reliable gym management tool, you can track class attendance and see the most attended hours and jiu-jitsu classes. Based on this data, you can offer more training sessions and make more people show up for their regular or extra training sessions.

Don’t be afraid to extend some of your offerings. Test if your members want to try other martial arts training. Muay Thai, judo, or wrestling? The sky is the limit!

#10 Make your website a bit more fun

You have only one chance to make a good first impression, right? Your website might be the place where prospects first learn about your gym. So… give it a little tweak! It is worth taking a while to check if its interface is user-friendly enough. 

An intuitive and professional-looking website encourages people to stay on it. 

It is a signal, and you take care of your customers at the very first touch point with your brand. Make the site coherent with your gym’s message and personality to make it enjoyable for users. On top of that, an engaging website might be something that makes you stand out from the competition. 

However, the best choice would be to contact specialists, so they’ll help you out with the website and make it even more inviting.

#11 Be active on social media 

How to make people want to join your BJJ gym? Social media might be the answer 

Brazilian jiu-jitsu has tons of benefits that you can write about when creating social media promotional content. For example, it improves confidence, contributes to better health, is excellent for stress relief, encourages team building, and, most importantly, it’s fun!

Ask for help from your instructors to share a few things about the gym, training facilities, and unique qualities that set you apart from competitors. Also, storytelling might appeal to your audience, so don’t be afraid to use its power!

#12 Reward loyal clients

Loyal clients are those who choose you over competitors. Show that you are grateful to them. Among others, loyalty programs and special offers make people want to train at your place and recommend it to others. And word-of-mouth marketing is a highly effective tool.

Aside from that, inviting members to special events is a way of rewarding loyal gym-goers. Workshops or competitions would work. 

What’s more, loyalty programs increase customer lifetime value (CLV). It is a significant metric to track because it measures how much profit a gym member can generate. Later on, it will be easier to estimate your income. 

#13 Give your staff the possibility to develop their skills

Well-trained staff improves not only the quality of customer service but also increases the overall satisfaction of your students. Participating in workshops, conferences, and training programs lets employees stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and training methods. 

In-house training and coaching sessions are fantastic ideas as well. Giving developing opportunities creates a supportive environment and strengthens relationships between staff members. 

Employee satisfaction and a friendly work environment are critical to a Brazilian jiu-jitsu gym’s success.

#14 Come up with creative promotions

Make your BJJ gym promotion fun! Play with words and embody your gym’s personality in your promotional content. 

Advertising your place might be w great opportunity to engage your followers on social media. For example, when organizing a giveaway (vouchers, sports clothing, free trial class, or others), make followers share your post in order to participate in the contest. In turn, your content reaches a broader audience and may gain greater interest.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with promotions, ads, and other marketing activities. Try out your ideas in practice because why not! The key is to stay flexible and open-minded and keep evaluating your marketing strategy to stay on track.

#15 Track the belt rank of BJJ gym members 

Monitoring the belt rank equals keeping track of the mentees’ progress. It means it is easier to catch up on the students’ areas that need more attention to work on. Mentors can motivate individuals to get the most out of training sessions. As well as encouraging and supporting them as needed.

There are five belt levels: 

  • white belt,
  • blue belt,
  • purple belt,
  • brown belt,
  • black belt,

and each of these may require slightly different approaches. With proper belt tracking and effective motivational boosters from mentors, you can maintain the quality of instruction and ensure the success of your jiu-jitsu gym as a whole.

#16 Make online training available 

It happens that members cannot attend the training in person. But, WodGuru came up with a solution to that.

With this software, you can conduct online training with high level instructors. It means attendees can progress in practical self-defense skills even at home.

#17 Get your club a mobile app 

Registering for classes, checking costs for training, tracking attendance, and buying your products – those are only a few things a mobile app can do for gym members and staff. What’s more, the app is directly integrated with the website, so all changes made are also updated on users’ phones. 

The WodGuru app is fully customizable, which means you can add your logo and gym’s name. Whenever users unlock their smartphones, they’ll see your branding.

Make the most of your BJJ gym with WodGuru!

Now you know how to turn your place into a top-notch Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym. The secret ingredient to a thriving sports place is… management software. 

Running a BJJ gym using a robust tool like WodGuru streamlines many aspects:

  • gym membership tracking,
  • scheduling, 
  • billing, 
  • running storage, 
  • progress tracking,

and more. The list goes on and on! Check out the features and pricing in detail. 

Sign up for a free trial and upgrade your gym management!

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