The most useful system functions for your fitness club, which will simplify your daily work

Automatyzacja w klubie fitness

What are the most useful functions of the system? Why do we need any fitness club software at all?

If you run your own business then you know that sometimes a day is too short. A good system will help you manage your club members efficiently and save you a lot of time. The ideal system will do (almost) everything for you

Today we want to show you how you can make your job easier by using the most useful functions of your fitness club management system.

We’ve got some well-proven ways to do this:

Online payments

Let’s make it easier for our club members (and those who haven’t met us yet) to deal with payment issues for our services. Let’s give them the option of buying a pass, products from our club shop, or paying for outstanding purchases. And let’s remember that sometimes the impulse “I’m going back to training tomorrow!” can be turned into real revenue straight away – as long as our club member has access to the internet. And 99% of them certainly do.

Online payments can be processed in several ways – at WodGuru we work with przelewy24, dotpay, paynow and espago. It takes about 3 seconds to enable online payments. You can read more about this here: Knowledge Base: Online payments

Registration form for new users

Sometimes there can be so much work at a club that it would be difficult to talk to every potential club member, register them in the system and sign them up for classes. We have also found out that – especially young people – prefer to deal with things impersonally, for example online. Therefore, we can transfer the functions of registering new members online for the benefit of both parties. We have two ways to do that:

  • Registration form for new club members – this is where a person creates an account, buys their first pass and gets full access to the app. They can manage their pass, class registrations independently – they become a part of your community.
  • Registration form for new guests – if anyone is not sure which pass they should choose, or they just want to try out what it’s like to train with you – they can create an account and sign up for their first training session. The pass will be purchased on site. This is a good option for those who like to talk first, give advice and… sell the pass that you want, and for those who offer their clients their first training session for free.


The virtual one of course. It exists so that the club member can deposit funds into it and use it to clear their purchases at the club. We also use it for credit purchases or penalties for missed bookings. The most important thing about this functionality, however, is that you can:

  • enable club members to repay their wallet debt directly from the app
  • block club members from booking a class if there is an outstanding purchase on their account.

It is worth using the wallet to improve cash-flow in the club and reduce the handling of purchases at the reception desk. So far, the wallet function has been used by 49% of clubs in WodGuru.

In the article Knowledge Base: Wallet you can see how the wallet is used from the club member’s perspective.

Ambassador Programme

The best advertisement for your club? Your most satisfied customers, who are happy to tell their friends about you. The Ambassador Programme was created with them in mind. For you, it’s a small investment and zero effort – and the acquisition of new club members and sales are self-generating.

How does it work? Each of your club members has a unique link in the app that they can give to as many people as they like. Registering a new account via this link means that you get a discount on your first pass and a set amount of money is added to the Ambassador’s wallet. You determine the terms of the programme – how big the discount will be and how much exactly do you want to pay to your Ambassador for this. Highly recommended, a satisfied customer is likely to have some cool friends worth meeting as well .

Top 3 functionalities at WodGuru:

1 Reserve list – 66% of clubs using it

2. Online payments – 64% of clubs using them

3. Registration form for new club members – 60% of clubs using it


A life-changing functionality for your fitness club management system. If you have such classes at your club that there are always more people willing to take part in them than there are places available, it is definitely worth using it. Notifications are sent automatically, the club member can see the status of the queue in the app, and instead of answering phone calls from impatient club members, you can focus on other duties.

Check: Knowledge Base: Waitlist

Automation of sending e-mail and SMS

A tool that will 100% do the work for you. It will remind you of a payment or an expired pass, welcome a new club member to the club and even wish them a happy birthday. All you have to do is to plan the scenario: what to send and when, and the system will do itself and once again save a lot of your time. Click here for details: Knowledge Base: Automations

At WodGuru, more and more clubs are taking advantage of the automation function and we are very pleased to hear that you like to simplify processes and delegate those tasks that an automation can do for you, as much as we do.

Use of automation in clubs operating in WodGuru:

58% – at least 1 scenario

51% – at least 2 scenarios

40% – at least 3 scenarios

If you are not familiar with this functionality and would like to implement it in your business, you will find useful information here: Knowledge Base: E-mail and SMS sending automation

To Do List (CRM)

Our youngest child, growing and developing all the time.

If you want your customer service to reach a completely new level, test our To Do List. It allows you to create and manage tasks for your entire team – both automatically and manually.


You want a specific member of your team to call a client on Thursday to remind them of an upcoming consultation. In this situation, you set:

– the subject of the task

– the person responsible

– date

– the club member concerned

If you want tasks to be dropped into the list automatically – e.g. at the end of each training package – you set up the scenarios in the same way as for automatic messaging. Since the implementation of this functionality, it has only been a few months and already more than than 20 clubs are using it. Enjoy!

The most useful functionalities of your system – summary

There are some functionalities of the system that will make your life easier and make you forget about boring and undeveloping tasks. For example, about payment reminders. It is worth familiarising yourself with them and deciding which ones will make your club’s day-to-day work the easiest. And what is certainly important to you: there is no extra charge for any of the solutions described.

At WodGuru we are very fond of saying: Let the magic happen! Let it happen in your club too!

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