20+ Tips How to Make Money as a Fitness Influencer in 2024


In 2024, the fitness influencer landscape continues to thrive, offering numerous opportunities for individuals passionate about health and wellness to monetize their expertise. As many fitness influencers leverage social media platforms to inspire and motivate their audiences, understanding how to make money as a fitness influencer has never been more crucial. 

The digital transformation of the fitness world has opened up new avenues for monetization, with fitness apps leading the charge. Many fitness influencers are leveraging these platforms to reach their target audience more effectively, offering personalized workout videos, nutrition plans, and real-time coaching. This tech-savvy approach not only enhances user engagement but also creates multiple revenue streams for savvy influencers.

With the rise of fitness applications and digital platforms, influencers can now create a fitness app and reach their target audience more effectively than ever. These apps not only facilitate personalized workout plans and nutrition tracking but also provide a space for influencers to engage with their followers on a deeper level.

How to make money as a fitness influencer?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore over 20 strategies that successful fitness influencers are using to monetize their passion in 2024. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to diversify your income, these tips cover everything from traditional methods like sponsored posts and affiliate marketing to more innovative approaches such as developing your own branded fitness products or creating virtual fitness experiences.

Join us as we unpack the secrets to success in the competitive world of fitness, and discover how you can transform your passion for health and wellness into a profitable and rewarding venture in 2024 and beyond.

Key Takeaways

How much fitness influencers typically make?

As the fitness industry continues to grow, with global revenues expected to surpass $400 billion by 2028, the potential for fitness influencers to carve out their niche and build sustainable businesses has never been greater.

Think of your income streams

In 2024, fitness influencers in the USA typically earn the following per post based on follower count and engagement rates:

  • Nano Influencers (1K – 10K followers): $50 – $200
  • Micro Influencers (10K – 100K followers): $200 – $1,000
  • Mid-Tier Influencers (100K – 500K followers): $1,000 – $5,000
  • Macro Influencers (500K – 1M followers): $5,000 – $10,000
  • Mega Influencers (1M+ followers): $10,000 – $100,000+


Higher engagement rates can increase earnings by 25% to 100%.

Just to let you know about top earners in the industry, let us introduce Simeon Panda. He is a popular fitness influencer, bodybuilder, and entrepreneur known for his physique and fitness content. With over 8 million followers on Instagram as of 2024, he earns significant income through various channels, including sponsored posts, brand partnerships, his own fitness and apparel brand “SP Aesthetics,” and fitness programs. Simeon Panda’s earnings are estimated to be in the range of $30,000 to $50,000 per sponsored Instagram post. His overall annual income from all ventures is reported to be several million dollars.

Skip to his website if you wish: Simeon Panda

20+ tips on how to make money as a gym and fitness influencer?

How do fitness influencers make money? There are many strategies to significantly boost income streams. From leveraging social media platforms to collaborating with established brands, we’ll delve into how you can turn your fitness expertise and online presence into a thriving career.

Make money as a fitness influencer

1. Think of monetization strategies and find your fitness niche

A good idea to earn money from your fitness knowledge is to monetize it. If you are a specialist in a more niche topic, even better. Create your channel, record videos, conduct live meetings and share your knowledge for money.

Fitness apparel - find your niche

2. Try sponsored posts and brand partnerships

Fitness influencers earn money through brand partnerships by promoting products or services in exchange for compensation. This can include sponsored posts, product placements, or collaborations with brands that align with their fitness niche.

Tips on Negotiating Sponsorship Deals:

  1. Know Your Worth: Understand your audience size, engagement rate, and content quality to set fair rates.
  2. Create a Media Kit: Showcase your reach, demographics, and past collaborations to attract brands.
  3. Negotiate Terms: Discuss deliverables, compensation, exclusivity, and usage rights clearly to ensure mutual benefit.


Maintaining Authenticity:

  1. Stay True to Your Brand: Only partner with brands that align with your values and resonate with your audience.
  2. Be Transparent: Clearly disclose sponsored content to maintain trust with your followers.
  3. Provide Honest Reviews: Share genuine opinions to avoid misleading your audience and damaging your reputation.
Be a fitness professionals influencer

3. Use affiliate marketing

Fitness influencers can earn commissions by promoting products through affiliate marketing. They share unique links or discount codes with their audience, earning a percentage of sales generated through those links.

Use affiliate marketing

Best Practices for Selecting Affiliate Programs and Products:

  1. Choose Relevant Products: Select products that align with your niche and that your audience will find valuable.
  2. Research Affiliate Programs: Look for programs that offer competitive commissions, reliable tracking, and good reputations.
  3. Use Products Personally: Promote products you genuinely use and believe in to maintain authenticity and trust.
  4. Read Terms Carefully: Understand the payout structure, cookie duration, and any exclusivity requirements before joining.

4. Use online coaching to get more money

To offer online coaching services to clients:

  1. Define Your Niche: Identify your specific area of expertise, such as weight loss, muscle building, or nutrition.
  2. Develop Programs: Create personalized workout plans, nutrition guides, or coaching packages tailored to different fitness levels and goals.
  3. Set Up a Platform: Use a website, social media, or online coaching platforms to promote and deliver your services.
  4. Market Your Services: Promote your coaching through social media, email newsletters, and testimonials from satisfied clients.
  5. Communicate Regularly: Maintain regular contact with clients via gym CRM, email, video calls, or messaging apps to provide support and track progress.
  6. Offer Value: Provide high-quality, engaging content, such as workout videos, tips, and progress tracking, to retain clients and build a strong reputation.
Offering online coaching services

5. Create customized workout plans

As a fitness influencer, create and offer workout plans by identifying your audience’s needs and fitness goals. Develop comprehensive programs that include exercises, sets, reps, and rest periods. Provide clear instructions and videos for each exercise. Promote your workout plans through social media, a website, or a fitness app, and offer them for sale or as part of a subscription service.

Create own workout routines and workout programs

6. Think of selling nutrition plans

As a fitness influencer, create nutrition plans by understanding your audience’s dietary preferences, fitness goals, and any dietary restrictions. Develop balanced meal plans that include macronutrient breakdowns, portion sizes, and recipe ideas. Ensure your plans are evidence-based and consult with a certified nutritionist if needed. Offer these plans through your website, social media, or a fitness app, either as standalone products or part of a coaching package.

Sell nutrition plans on your social media channels

7. Get passive income - sell digital products

Create and sell eBooks, workout plans, and online courses by focusing on specific fitness topics, such as strength training, weight loss, or meal prepping. Use engaging content, videos, and detailed guides to provide value. Market these digital products through your social media, email lists, and website.

Benefits of Passive Income from Digital Products: Digital products generate passive income by continuously selling online without ongoing active effort, providing a scalable and consistent revenue stream.

Find your way to get passive income

8. Sell online personal training services

Sell online personal training services by promoting your offerings through social media, a professional website, and fitness platforms. Highlight your expertise, success stories, and personalized training programs. Offer free introductory sessions or trials to attract clients. Use secure payment systems for transactions and provide ongoing support via video calls, messaging, and progress tracking, for example thanks to fitness scheduling software.

Sell personal trainings online and invest in workout programs

9. Start a podcast or video marketing

Share your fitness journey, tips, and interviews with other experts in a podcast format. This approach helps build a personal connection with your audience, provides valuable insights, and establishes you as a thought leader in the fitness industry. Additionally, it can drive traffic to your website and increase opportunities for monetization through sponsorships and advertising.

Monetization strategies - make podcasts or video

10. Build your personal brand to revenue streams

Steps to Create a Compelling Instagram Profile and Content Strategy:

  1. Optimize Your Profile: Use a clear profile picture, a descriptive bio, and a link to your website or key content.
  2. Define Your Brand Aesthetic: Choose a consistent color scheme, style, and tone for your posts.
  3. Plan Your Content: Create a mix of engaging content, including workout tips, client transformations, and personal stories.
  4. Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and messages, and use interactive features like polls and Q&A.


Importance of Consistency and Authenticity in Branding: Consistency builds recognition and trust, while authenticity fosters genuine connections with your audience. Both are crucial for establishing a strong, credible presence and maintaining long-term engagement.

Build personal brand as part of your fitness journeys

11. Utilize trends and hashtags to become one of top influencers

Strategies for Increasing Followers and Engagement:

  1. Create Quality Content: Post high-value, engaging content tailored to your audience’s interests.
  2. Engage Actively: Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and interact with your followers regularly.
  3. Collaborate: Partner with other influencers or brands to reach new audiences.


Utilizing Trends and Hashtags Effectively:

  1. Use Relevant Hashtags: Incorporate popular and niche hashtags to increase visibility and reach.
  2. Leverage Trends: Participate in trending challenges or topics to attract attention and join relevant conversations.
Personal trainers make trends.

12. Use Fitness Management Software to get more clients

How Technology Can Streamline Operations and Enhance User Experience:

  1. Efficiency: Automates routine tasks, reducing administrative workload.
  2. User Experience: Provides clients with a seamless, intuitive interface for accessing services and tracking progress.


How Can Software like WodGuru Make Your Work Easier?

  • Task Automation: Sends messages, birthday wishes, payment reminders automatically, handles marketing & sales automation, recurring payments, and automatic signups.
  • Website Integration: Streamlines schedule updates and member registration online.
  • Flexible Functionality: Allows clients to add only the functionalities they need, keeping the core system simple.
  • Client Management: WodGuru as gym membership software simplifies member management and communication.
  • Reception Efficiency: Facilitates product and membership sales.
  • Support: Provides robust support and collaborative development.
  • Interface: amazingly easy and intuitive
  • Streamlined Transactions: Website and payment system integrations.
Create valuable content and use fitness management software

13. Use fitness branded app to maximize user engagement

Advantages of Developing a Custom Fitness App:

  1. Brand Differentiation: Unique app tailored to your brand.
  2. Enhanced Engagement: Personalized workouts and nutrition plans.
  3. Direct Communication: Easy updates and messaging.
  4. Data Insights: Analyze user data for improvements.
  5. Monetization: Revenue through in-app purchases or subscriptions.


A mobile application is one of the well known and appreciated WodGuru features. Custom app serves for class signups, payments, and reminders. What is more, you can create your fitness app (No-Code Fitness App Builder) just for free.

Create valuable content and use fitness branded app

14. Collaborate with other influencers

How Partnerships Can Expand Reach and Credibility:

  1. Broaden Audience: Tap into the collaborator’s followers to reach a larger audience.
  2. Boost Credibility: Leverage the partner’s reputation to enhance your own brand’s credibility.


Tips for Finding and Approaching Potential Collaborators:

  1. Identify Synergies: Look for partners with complementary audiences or expertise.
  2. Research Potential Partners: Assess their reach, engagement, and reputation.
  3. Make a Personal Pitch: Reach out with a clear, tailored proposal outlining mutual benefits.
One of valuable fitness tips: collaborate with others

15. Sell fitness memberships and collaborate with gyms

Cooperate with gyms, advertise their offer, give away one-off or monthly membership passes in your competitions and giveaways. Sell ​​memberships to gyms you recommend at discounts. If these are good terms of cooperation for these gyms, they will certainly reciprocate by advertising your brand at their place.

Start selling more and get money per sponsored posts

16. Develop a custom-branded fitness app to enhance your brand’s presence

A white label fitness app can enhance your online presence by:

  1. Brand Customization: Showcase your unique brand identity with a branded app, reinforcing your market presence.
  2. Increased Engagement: Offer personalized workouts and features that keep users connected and active.
  3. Professional Image: Present a polished, professional tool that boosts credibility and attracts new clients.
  4. Data Insights: Gather valuable user data to refine marketing strategies and improve client retention thanks to gym reporting.
Fitness influencers earnings - get more!

17. Offer exclusive membership content

Fitness influencers can offer exclusive membership content by creating premium workout plans, nutrition guides, and specialized training videos. Within the fitness industry you can promote these through your social media and website, using a subscription model or one-time purchase option. Provide ongoing value with regular updates and personalized advice to attract and retain members. Don’t forget about maximizing the ease of payment for your clients thanks to a gym billing software.

Make sponsored content as one of social media influencers

18. Host a fitness event

Host fitness events by planning engaging activities such as workshops, classes, or challenges. Promote the event through social media and your website, and offer interactive experiences that showcase your expertise. Use these events to build community, attract new clients, and enhance your brand’s visibility.

Read more about gym event ideas to boost your incomes and recognizability. 

Latest fitness trends - become an event host

19. Launch your own subscription service

Launch your own subscription service by creating exclusive content, such as workout plans, nutrition advice, or coaching sessions. Set up a user-friendly platform for seamless access and payments through a friendly gym payment software. Promote your service through gym social media marketing and emails, offering free trials or discounts to attract initial subscribers. 

Think of others success stories in influencer marketing

20. Build relationships with fitness brands for long-term partnerships

Maintaining transparency and authenticity in collaborations builds trust with your audience and strengthens your brand’s credibility. Clearly disclose sponsored content and partnerships to ensure honesty, and only collaborate with brands that align with your values. This approach fosters genuine connections and long-term loyalty.

Use practical tips in fitness influencing

21. Utilize multiple social media platforms

Don’t limit yourself to one platform. Use Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and others to reach diverse audiences. Read more about gym social media post ideas in our another article:  20+ Tips How to Make Money as a Fitness Influencer in 2024

Think of marketing strategies to make money more

22. Monetize your YouTube channel

A fitness influencer can monetize a YouTube channel by:

  1. Ad Revenue: Earn from ads displayed on videos through YouTube’s Partner Program.
  2. Sponsored Content: Partner with brands for sponsored videos and product placements.
  3. Affiliate Marketing: Promote products with affiliate links and earn commissions.
  4. Merchandise Sales: Sell branded fitness gear or products directly to viewers.
  5. Memberships: Offer exclusive content through YouTube’s channel memberships.
Get more money per sponsored posts

How many followers does an influencer need to make money?

An influencer can start making money with as few as 1,000 to 10,000 followers, particularly if they have high engagement rates and a targeted niche. However, earning potential increases significantly with larger followings, typically above 50,000, where they can attract brand partnerships and higher-paying deals.

Be one of the highest paid fitness influencers

How much does an influencer with 1,000 followers make?

An influencer with around 1,000 followers typically earns $50 to $200 per sponsored post, depending on their engagement rate and niche. They may also earn through affiliate marketing or smaller brand collaborations.

Think of your social media presence

How much do you make with 100k followers?

An influencer with around 100,000 followers can typically earn $1,000 to $5,000 per sponsored post. Earnings can vary based on engagement rates, niche, and brand partnerships.

How much do influencers make with 1 million followers?

Influencers with around 1 million followers can earn $10,000 to $100,000 or more per sponsored post, depending on engagement rates, niche, and the specific terms of brand deals.

Which social media platform gives more money?

YouTube generally offers the highest earning potential for fitness influencers due to multiple revenue streams, including ad revenue, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and merchandise sales. However, Instagram and TikTok can also be lucrative, particularly with high engagement rates and brand partnerships. Each platform’s profitability varies based on content type, audience, and monetization strategies.

Become popular influencer and get brand collaborations

How much do fitness YouTubers make?

Fitness YouTubers typically earn between $2,000 and $10,000 per month from ad revenue, depending on their views and engagement. Top creators can earn significantly more through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and merchandise sales. Overall earnings can range from $24,000 to over $100,000 annually, with high earners exceeding these figures.

Invest in personalized training programs online

How much do fitness influencers make on TikTok?

Fitness influencers on TikTok generally earn between $500 and $20,000 per sponsored post, depending on their follower count, engagement rate, and niche. Top creators with millions of followers and high engagement can earn even more through brand deals, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.

Start a successful fitness business online

How much money do Facebook influencers make?

Fitness influencers on Facebook typically earn between $500 and $5,000 per sponsored post. Earnings can vary based on follower count, engagement rate, and the specifics of brand deals. Additionally, Facebook ad revenue, affiliate marketing, and partnerships can contribute to overall earnings.

How much do Instagram fitness influencers make?

Fitness influencers on Instagram generally earn between $500 and $10,000 per sponsored post. Top influencers with large followings and high engagement rates can command even higher rates, often exceeding $20,000 per post, depending on the brand and campaign specifics.

Online training business - be a fitness model

How much do fitness blog owners make?

Fitness blog owners typically earn between $500 and $5,000 per month, depending on their traffic, audience engagement, and monetization methods. Income sources include affiliate marketing, sponsored content, ad revenue, and selling digital products or services. Top bloggers with substantial traffic and strong brand partnerships can earn significantly more.


Yes, many fitness influencers are making money. Their earnings come from various sources such as:

  1. Sponsored Content: Payments from brands for promoting products or services.
  2. Affiliate Marketing: Commissions from sales generated through affiliate links.
  3. Ad Revenue: Income from ads on platforms like YouTube.
  4. Merchandise Sales: Revenue from selling branded fitness gear or products.
  5. Online Coaching and Courses: Earnings from offering personalized training or educational content.
  6. Subscription Services: Recurring revenue from premium content or memberships.

Becoming a fitness influencer can be challenging due to several factors:

  1. Building an Audience: Growing a substantial and engaged following takes time, consistent content creation, and effective marketing.
  2. Content Creation: Producing high-quality, engaging, and original content regularly requires significant effort and creativity.
  3. Competition: The fitness industry is highly competitive, with many influencers vying for attention and brand partnerships.
  4. Authenticity and Trust: Maintaining authenticity and trust with your audience is crucial for long-term success and requires genuine expertise and ethical practices.
  5. Monetization: Turning influence into income involves diversifying revenue streams and negotiating deals, which can be complex and time-consuming.

Starting a fitness Instagram can be worth it if you are passionate about fitness and committed to building a presence. Benefits include:

  1. Audience Building: Opportunity to connect with a large and engaged audience interested in fitness.
  2. Brand Partnerships: Potential to collaborate with brands and monetize your content through sponsorships and affiliate marketing.
  3. Personal Growth: Platform to share your fitness journey, expertise, and inspire others.
  4. Networking: Ability to connect with other fitness professionals and influencers.


However, success requires consistent content creation, engagement with followers, and effective marketing. If you’re ready to invest time and effort, it can be a rewarding endeavor.

As of 2024, Kayla Itsines is one of the most followed female fitness personalities. She has amassed a significant following on Instagram and other social media platforms, thanks to her popular workout programs and fitness app, SWEAT. She comes from Australia, but her influence extends globally, making her a prominent figure in the fitness industry.

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