Sms Marketing for Gyms: How to Guide + 30 Examples & Templates


In an increasingly digital world, where instant communication reigns supreme, SMS marketing has emerged as a game-changer for gyms and fitness centers. With an astonishing 98% open rate and 90% of messages read within three minutes, text messaging offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with members in real-time. 

As gyms strive to enhance member engagement, boost retention rates, and attract new clients, SMS marketing – the same as gym management software – stands out as a cost-effective and efficient strategy. This comprehensive guide will delve into the essentials of SMS marketing for gyms, providing you with actionable insights on how to craft compelling messages that resonate with your audience. 

SMS marketing - gym promotional messages

From building your subscriber list to segmenting your audience for targeted promotions, we’ll cover everything you need to know to launch a successful SMS campaign. Additionally, we’ll showcase 30 inspiring examples and templates that you can adapt to fit your gym’s unique voice and offerings. 

Whether you’re looking to announce new classes, share motivational messages, or promote special events, SMS marketing can elevate your communication strategy and foster a thriving gym community. Join us as we explore the power of text messaging and unlock the potential it holds for your fitness business!

Key Takeaways

The power of SMS marketing for gyms

In today’s digital age, SMS gym or yoga marketing has become a formidable tool for gyms to engage members, promote offerings and drive growth. With high open rates and the ability to reach members directly on their personal devices, SMS marketing offers gyms a unique opportunity to cut through the noise and deliver targeted, timely messages that resonate with recipients. 

By embracing the power of SMS, gyms can improve communication with members, increase class attendance, and ultimately increase revenue and member retention.

SMS Marketing - text messaging for gyms

What is SMS marketing?

SMS marketing, also known as text message marketing, is a powerful communication strategy that gym owners can leverage to engage with their members and promote their services. This direct marketing approach involves sending targeted text messages to members’ mobile phones, allowing for immediate and personal communication. 

For gym business owners, SMS marketing provides an efficient way to remind members about upcoming classes, share motivational content to support their fitness goals, or promote special offers and events. The effectiveness of text message marketing lies in its high open rates – studies show that over 90% of text messages are read within minutes of receipt. This makes it an ideal channel for time-sensitive information, such as last-minute class openings or flash promotions. 

Gym business owners can use SMS marketing to send personalized workout tips, nutrition advice, or progress check-ins, helping members stay on track with their fitness goals.


In a 2023 fitness center industry report, gyms that implemented regular SMS campaigns saw a 30% increase in class attendance and a 25% improvement in membership renewal rates compared to those relying solely on email communications.

Additionally, text message marketing can be used for administrative purposes, such as membership renewals or payment reminders. By integrating SMS marketing into their overall communication strategy, gym owners can enhance involvement of members, boost retention rates, and ultimately drive business growth.

Benefits of text message marketing

Text message marketing offers numerous advantages for businesses, particularly in the fitness business. Its immediacy and high engagement rates make it an invaluable tool for gym and fitness centers.

Gym SMS marketing

Key Benefits of SMS Marketing:

  1. High open rates: SMS have an average open rate of 98%, significantly higher than email marketing which averages around 20%.
  2. Immediacy: Text messages are typically read within minutes of being received, allowing businesses to send time-sensitive offers and updates.
  3. Personalization: SMS marketing enables businesses to segment their audience and send targeted, relevant messages to specific groups of customers.
  4. Cost-effectiveness: Compared to other marketing channels like TV, radio, or print ads, SMS marketing is relatively inexpensive while still delivering high engagement and conversion rates.
  5. Integration capability: Can be easily integrated with other marketing and fitness studio management software.

How can gyms use SMS to boost the fitness industry?

Gyms can effectively use SMS marketing to boost engagement, improve retention of members, and drive sales in the fitness industry. 

  • Boost engagement: by sending timely reminders for classes and personal training meetings, gyms can keep members informed and reduce no-shows. A quick SMS a few minutes before a session can enhance attendance.
  • Improve member retention: Personalized SMS text congratulating members on milestones or encouraging referrals make them feel valued, increasing loyalty and retention rates.
  • Drive sales: Gyms can promote exclusive offers and limited-time promotions via SMS, enticing new members and encouraging existing ones to upgrade their gym membership at your fitness center. For instance, offering a free personal training session for referrals can drive new sign-ups.
  • Enhance communication: Automated SMS texts can keep members updated on gym news, schedule changes, and fitness tips, ensuring they feel connected and informed.


45% of potential consumers take action after receiving a text message, showcasing the effectiveness of SMS in driving member engagement and conversions.

How to send gym text messages to members?

Gyms can effectively send text messages to their members using specialized gym automation systems designed for the fitness industry. These platforms allow gyms to communicate directly with members, enhancing engagement and improving overall member experience. 

Gym SMS texting software, such as WodGuru, Twilio, or EZ Texting, offers features like automation, segmentation, and scheduling, enabling you to send personalized messages at the right time. For example, you can automate reminders for upcoming classes or follow up with members who haven’t visited in a while. 

Fitness center - SMS message as a way to get new gym members

How to get started with SMS marketing for your gym: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting started with SMS marketing can be a game-changer for your gym, allowing you to engage with members, boost attendance, and drive revenue. By leveraging the power of text messages, you can cut through the noise and deliver targeted, timely communications that resonate with your audience. 

However, before diving in, it’s crucial to understand the key steps involved in setting up a successful SMS marketing strategy for your gym. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of getting started with SMS marketing, from building your subscriber list to crafting compelling messages that convert.

How to start text messages to members?

Step 1: Define your goals

Before launching your SMS text marketing, it’s crucial to clearly define your goals. This step sets the foundation for your entire strategy and helps measure its success. 

Start by identifying what specific outcomes you want to achieve through text message marketing. Are you primarily focused on improving member retention? Perhaps you’re aiming to boost attendance at gym events or increase sign-ups for new classes. Maybe your goal is to enhance overall involvement of members or promote special offers to drive additional revenue.

Define goals for SMS text and gyms measure

Consider both short-term objectives, such as promoting an upcoming fitness challenge, and long-term goals like reducing membership churn rates. Be specific in your goal-setting; instead of a vague aim like “increase class attendance,” set a measurable target such as “increase yoga class attendance by 25% over the next three months.” 

By clearly defining your goals, you can tailor your SMS content, frequency, and timing to best achieve these objectives. Remember, your goals may evolve over time, so regularly revisit and adjust them based on your results and changing business needs.

Step 2: Build a subscriber list

Building a subscriber list is the foundation of any successful SMS marketing campaign for your gym. To get started, you’ll need to collect phone numbers from your members and obtain their explicit consent to receive text messages. 

It’s crucial to obtain your members’ consent before sending them text messages. Sending unsolicited messages can lead to legal issues and damage your gym’s reputation. Always make it clear what members can expect to receive by joining your SMS list, and provide an easy way for them to opt-out if they change their minds.

Use SMS campaign to keep members engaged

In many countries, there are regulations governing the use of SMS marketing, such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States. Make sure you’re familiar with the relevant laws in your area and comply with them to avoid penalties or legal issues. 

Collect phone numbers with Opt-Ins:

  1. During sign-up: Include an opt-in checkbox on your membership registration form, allowing new members to consent to receiving SMS from your gym.
  2. At events: Set up a sign-up station at your gym’s events, such as open houses or fitness challenges, where members can provide their phone numbers and opt-in to your SMS list.
  3. On your website: Add an opt-in form to your gym’s website, enabling members and website visitors to subscribe to your SMS list and receive exclusive offers or updates.

Step 3: Segment your audience

SMS marketing allows for audience segmentation, enabling gyms to send tailored messages to specific groups based on their interests and behaviors, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Tell your audience about free class or free session

Segmenting your audience is a crucial step in creating effective SMS marketing campaigns for your gym. By categorizing your members based on their interests, class preferences, and engagement levels, you can send more targeted and relevant messages that resonate with each group. 

This approach not only improves the overall effectiveness of your SMS marketing but also enhances the member experience by providing them with content tailored to their specific needs and preferences.


SMS marketing can drive conversion rates as high as 45% for gyms when used for promotions or limited-time offers.

How to segment the audience? Make it by:

  • Interests: Divide your members into groups based on their fitness interests and goals. 
  • Class preferences: This could include grouping members by their preferred class times (e.g., early morning, lunchtime, or evening), class formats (e.g., group fitness, training, or small group training), or even specific instructors they follow. 
  • Engagement levels: Categorizing your members based on their engagement levels can help you tailor your messaging and incentives accordingly. 

Step 4: Choose the right SMS software

Many SMS marketing platforms offer automation features, allowing gyms to send personalized messages and reminders without manual intervention, thus saving time and effort.

Choose SMS software - text marketing platforms

Using gym marketing software not only saves time but also ensures that your messages reach members where they’re most likely to see them – directly on their phones. This direct line of communication helps build stronger relationships with your members, boosts retention, and drives participation in gym activities.

SMS marketing software options:
    1. SimpleTexting: This user-friendly platform enables gyms to send mass texts, manage two-way conversations, and track engagement metrics. It’s ideal for sending reminders about training sessions, class bookings and schedules, or promotions.
    2. Glofox: an all-in-one software tailored for boutique studios, Glofox offers SMS capabilities alongside features for live streaming and class management. This helps keep members informed about their fitness way seamlessly.
    3. TextSpot: known for its affordability and ease of use, TextSpot allows gyms to schedule and manage bulk text messages. It’s particularly effective for sending automated reminders and promotional offers.
    4. Textline: this platform facilitates centralized communication, allowing gyms to manage SMS interactions from one inbox. It’s great for engaging new leads and following up with existing members.
    5. WodGuru: with that platform gyms can automate the process of sending personalized messages to members, ensuring that communication is timely and relevant. This feature allows gym owners to send reminders about upcoming classes, training sessions, or special promotions directly to members’ phones.

Step 5: Craft your text messages

Crafting effective text messages is crucial for the success of your gym’s SMS marketing campaigns. Keep your messages concise, clear, and compelling, aligning them with your gym’s branding and including a strong call-to-action (CTA) to drive results. 

SMS messages have a character limit, so keep your content short and to-the-point. Focus on the most important information and use clear, easy-to-understand language. Avoid jargon and get straight to the point.

Ensure that your text messages reflect your gym’s unique voice and personality. Use language that resonates with your target audience and reinforces your brand identity. Consistency is key, so maintain a similar tone and style across all your SMS communications.


In 2021, 48.7 million people opted in to text messaging services, indicating a growing acceptance and demand for SMS marketing among consumers.

Keep in mind that your members will be reading your messages on their smartphones. Use simple formatting, avoid long links, and ensure that your CTA is mobile-friendly and easy to engage with on a small screen.

Step 6: Set up automated campaigns

Setting up automated campaigns is a crucial step in maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your SMS marketing strategy. Gym automation system allows you to schedule and send targeted messages at optimal times without manual intervention, ensuring consistent communication with your members. 

Invest in automated SMS campaigns

Start by identifying key touchpoints in the member journey where automated messages can add value. Remember that:

  • For class reminders, set up a system that sends a text 24 hours before and perhaps another 1 hour before the scheduled class time. 
  • Implement a series of follow-up messages for new members, starting with a welcome text on their join date, followed by check-ins at regular intervals (e.g., 1 week, 1 month, 3 months) to encourage engagement and address any concerns. 
  • For promotions, create a calendar of scheduled offers and use automation to send these messages at predetermined times. 
  • You could set up an automated message to send a special offer when a member hasn’t visited the gym in two weeks, or a congratulatory message when they achieve a fitness goal.

Step 7: Monitor and optimize Your campaigns

Monitoring and optimizing your SMS marketing campaigns is essential for maximizing their effectiveness and ensuring that you are meeting your gym’s objectives. By tracking key metrics, you can gain valuable insights into how your messages are performing and make informed adjustments to your strategy. 

Get more client and gather feedback

What key tracking indicators should be monitored?

  1. Delivery Rates: Monitor the percentage of messages successfully delivered to your members. A high delivery rate indicates that your subscriber list is accurate and well-maintained. If you notice low delivery rates, it may be time to clean your list by removing inactive numbers or confirming consent.
  2. Open Rates: While SMS fitness centers messages generally have high open rates, tracking this metric can help you understand how engaging your content is. If certain messages have lower open rates, consider adjusting your messaging style, timing, or subject matter to better capture your audience’s attention.
  3. Conversion Rates: Analyze how many recipients take the desired action after receiving your messages, such as signing up for a class, redeeming an offer, or referring a friend. High conversion rates indicate that your messages resonate with your audience and effectively drive engagement.

Step 8: Sent text messages

The last step in your SMS marketing strategy is to actually send the text messages. This crucial phase brings your planning and preparation to fruition. Before hitting ‘send’, double-check your message content for clarity, correct information, and proper tone. 

After sending, be prepared to handle any responses or questions promptly – quick engagement can significantly boost the effectiveness of your campaign.

Get more clients with gym promotions

How to integrate SMS marketing with other channels?

Integrating SMS marketing with other channels can significantly enhance your overall marketing strategy and drive better results. Integrating SMS marketing with other channels, you create a cohesive and effective marketing strategy that reaches your audience where they are most engaged. 

Remember to tailor your messaging to each channel and use data to optimize your approach over time.

Integrate SMS with eg. email marketing

Here are some key ways to effectively integrate SMS with other channels:

  • Combine SMS with email campaigns: Coordinate your messaging across email and SMS for more consistent communication. 
  • Use SMS for social media promotions: Drive traffic to your social media profiles or promote events happening online.
  • Link SMS to Your Gym’s App: Integrate SMS notifications within your gym’s membership app for real-time updates and reminders.
  • Website integration: Prominently display opt-in forms on your website to encourage visitors to join your SMS list. You can offer incentives like discounts or free shipping to sweeten the deal.

SMS marketing best practices for gyms

Do you want to invest in a system to send text messages to gym members? Great! Check in with your knowledge then. Do you know what are the best practices in SMS marketing for gyms?

Sending workout tips as fitness club
  • Keep it short and clear: SMS should be quick to read and straight to the point. SMS messages are limited to 160 characters, so keep your content short, clear, and to-the-point.
  • Timing matters: Send messages at optimal times to maximize engagement (e.g., reminders before peak gym hours). Avoid sending texts too early in the morning or late at night. Weekdays typically perform better than weekends.
  • Personalize your messages: Use member names and tailor content to their interests. Use customer data that you gain thanks to gym marketing software to send targeted, relevant messages. Segment your audience based on interests, location, purchase history, etc.
  • Include a clear CTA: Encourage actions like booking a class, visiting your gym, or claiming a discount. Convince customers to take a specific action, such as visiting your website, making a purchase, or redeeming an offer.
  • Stay compliant: Discuss legal considerations, including opt-in requirements and unsubscribe options.
  • Obtain explicit consent: Always get customers’ permission before sending marketing texts. Clearly explain what they can expect to receive and allow them to easily opt-out.

Advanced SMS marketing strategies for gyms

As gyms continue to navigate the evolving fitness landscape, leveraging advanced SMS marketing strategies can provide a significant competitive edge. By going beyond basic text message blasts and implementing more sophisticated techniques, gyms can create personalized, engaging experiences that drive member loyalty and growth.

SMS messaging as part of fitness journey

1. Automated SMS sequences

Automated SMS sequences allow gyms to deliver timely, relevant messages to members based on specific triggers or actions. For example, gyms can set up a sequence to welcome new members, congratulate them on their first visit, and provide tips for getting started. These automated messages help create a seamless onboarding experience and make members feel valued from the very beginning.

Keep members informed

2. Two-way SMS communication

Encouraging two-way SMS communication enables gyms to build stronger relationships with members and gain valuable insights. By allowing members to text back and engage in conversations, gyms can provide personalized support, answer questions, and gather feedback. This interactive approach fosters a sense of community and helps gyms stay attuned to their members’ needs.

3. SMS loyalty programs

Integrating SMS into your gym’s loyalty program can drive engagement and retention. Gyms can use SMS to notify members of points earned, upcoming milestones, or exclusive offers available only to loyalty program participants. By making SMS a key component of your loyalty strategy, you create a convenient and engaging way for members to stay connected to your gym and their fitness targets.

Get more members sign ups with SMS marketing

4. SMS-based surveys and polls

Conducting surveys and polls via SMS is an effective way to gather member feedback and gain insights. Gyms can use SMS to quickly poll members on their preferences for class times, instructors, or new equipment. This data can then inform programming decisions and help gyms tailor their offerings to better meet member needs. Additionally, SMS fitness surveys are more likely to receive responses due to their immediacy and convenience.

5. Location-based SMS marketing

Leveraging location data, gyms can send hyper-targeted SMS messages to members based on their proximity to the gym or specific locations. For instance, gyms can send a text offering a free trial class to members who are in the area or remind members to stop by the gym on their way home from work. This location-based approach helps gyms deliver the right message at the right time, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Use targeting as location-based SMS campaigns

30 examples and templates for SMS marketing

In the fast-paced world of fitness marketing, SMS has emerged as a powerful tool for gyms to connect with their members and drive engagement. To help you harness the full potential of SMS marketing, we’ve compiled 30 examples and templates that can inspire your messaging strategy. 

These templates are designed to cater to various marketing objectives, from promoting special offers and events to enhancing member communication and loyalty. Whether you’re looking to boost attendance, increase membership renewals, or simply keep your members informed, these SMS templates provide a solid foundation for crafting effective messages that resonate with your audience. 

SMS templates for gyms

1. Promotional messages

Template 1: “🔥 Don’t miss out! Sign up for our 4-week Bootcamp today and get 20% off your first session. Limited spots available! 💪 [Link]”

Template 2: “🏋️‍♂️ Join our Summer Fitness Challenge! 🌞 Enroll now and get a FREE training session. Offer ends soon! [Link]”

Template 3: “🎉 Flash Sale! 50% off all memberships this weekend only! Use code FIT50 at checkout. Sign up now! [Link]”

2. Class schedules updates

Template 1: “Reminder: Your Spin Class with [Instructor Name] starts at 6 PM tomorrow. 🚴‍♂️ Can’t make it? Reply CANCEL to free up your spot.”
Template 2: “🧘 Yoga class time change: Tomorrow’s session now starts at 7 AM instead of 8 AM. See you on the mat! 🙏 [Link to schedule]”
Template 3: “New Class Alert! 🥊 Kickboxing sessions every Tuesday at 7 PM. Book your spot now! [Link]”

Send texts about class schedules

3. Membership renewal reminders

Template 1: “🔔 Your membership is up for renewal on [Date]. Renew now and get a 10% discount on your next month’s fee! [Link]”

Template 2: “🚨 Just a reminder, your gym membership expires soon! Renew today to keep enjoying your workouts. [Link]”

Template 3: “We miss you at the gym! Your membership is about to expire—renew now and receive a free training session. 💪 [Link]”

4. Internal communications

Template 1: “Team meeting tomorrow at 10 AM. Please review the new class schedule beforehand. See you there! 🗓️”

Template 2: “Friendly reminder: Don’t forget to complete the member feedback forms by Friday. Your input is valuable! 📝”

Template 3: “Great job, team! We hit our membership goal for the month! 🎉 Let’s keep up the momentum! 💪”

Use SMS messages as gym marketing ideas

5. Upcoming appointment reminders

Template 1: “Hi [Member Name], just a reminder about your personal training session with [Trainer Name] tomorrow at 8 AM. Looking forward to seeing you! 💪”

Template 2: “Your massage appointment at [Gym Name] is tomorrow at 3 PM. Relax and unwind with us! 🌿 Reply YES to confirm.”

Template 3: “Don’t forget your fitness assessment with [Trainer Name] tomorrow at 5 PM. Let’s track your progress! 🏋️‍♂️”

Send mass text and find benefits of SMS

6. Lead generation

Template 1: “💪 Ready to start your fitness journey? Sign up for a free trial class at [Gym Name]! Click here to get started: [Link]”

Template 2: “Looking to get fit or lose weight? 🏋️‍♂️ Try us out with a complimentary day pass. Claim yours now! [Link]”

Template 3: “Join our fitness community and get your first week FREE! 🎉 Start today: [Link]”

Generate more new leads

7. Gym announcements

Template 1: “🚨 Big news! We’re expanding our facility to bring you even more equipment and classes. Stay tuned for updates!”

Template 2: “🗓️ Reminder: Our annual member appreciation event is this Friday! Join us for a day of fun, fitness, and prizes!”

Template 3: “New Class Alert! 🥊 We’re adding Boxing on Wednesdays at 6 PM. Book your spot now: [Link]”

Send gym text with announcements

8. Workout tips

Template 1: “💡 Fitness Tip: Warm up before every workout to avoid injuries and maximize your performance. Try this 5-minute dynamic warm-up: [Link]”

Template 2: “Pro Tip: To burn more calories, try interval training. Alternate between high and low intensity during your workout. 🏃‍♀️”

Template 3: “Boost your results! 💪 Increase your protein intake to support muscle recovery after intense workouts.”

Always write your gym name while sending text messages

9. Feedback requests

Template 1: “We value your opinion! 🙏 How was your experience at [Gym Name] today? Reply with your feedback or take our quick survey: [Link]”

Template 2: “Help us improve! 💬 Please share your thoughts on our new class schedule. Your feedback is important to us. [Link]”

Template 3: “Your feedback matters! 🗣️ Let us know how we can make your experience even better: [Link]”

10. New members welcome message

Template 1: “Welcome to [Gym Name], [Member Name]! 🎉 We’re thrilled to have you. Here’s a quick guide to get you started: [Link]”

Template 2: “Hi [Member Name], welcome to the family! 💪 Your fitness journey begins now. Let us know if you need any help getting started!”

Template 3: “Welcome aboard, [Member Name]! 🏋️‍♂️ We’re here to support your fitness goals. Check out our app for class schedules and more: [Link]”

Target audience - find yours best!

11. Club members tips and information

Template 1: “Reminder: Don’t forget to bring a water bottle and towel to every class. Stay hydrated and keep our gym clean! 💧”

Template 2: “Tip of the Week: Mix up your workouts to avoid plateaus. Try a new class or add strength training to your routine. 🏋️‍♂️”

Template 3: “Keep your body fueled! 🥗 Remember to eat a balanced meal within two hours of your workout for optimal recovery.”

12. Loyalty programs

Template 1: “You’ve earned it! 🎉 Redeem your loyalty points for a free smoothie or class upgrade. Check your balance: [Link]”

Template 2: “Thank you for being a loyal member! 🙌 Get double points this month on all personal training sessions. Book now: [Link]”

Template 3: “Loyalty has its perks! 🎁 Collect points for every workout and redeem them for exclusive rewards. Check it out: [Link]”

Remember about key benefits of marketing

13. Motivational messages

Template 1: “You’re stronger than you think, [Member Name]! 💪 Keep pushing toward your goals, and remember—we’re here to help! #StayMotivated”

Template 2: “Great things never come from comfort zones. Challenge yourself today and make progress! 🔥”

Template 3: “Every workout counts! 🏋️‍♀️ Keep showing up and you’ll see the results you’ve been working for. You got this!”

14. Payment reminders

Template 1: “Hi [Member Name], just a friendly reminder that your membership payment is due tomorrow. Pay now: [Link]”

Template 2: “🚨 Reminder: Your payment for [Gym Name] is due today. Please make your payment to continue enjoying our services. [Link]”

Template 3: “Payment due: Don’t miss your next workout! Complete your payment by [Due Date] to keep your membership active. [Link]”

Send messages to get more potential clients

15. Personalized messages

Template 1: “Hi [Member Name], we noticed you’ve been crushing your workouts! Keep up the great work, and let us know if you need any support. 💪”

Template 2: “Hey [Member Name], we see you’re interested in yoga. We’ve got a new class starting next week—join us! 🧘‍♀️ [Link]”

Template 3: “Hi [Member Name], we haven’t seen you in a while. Come back this week and get a free group class with us! [Link]”

16. Birthday and anniversary wishes

Template 1: “🎉 Happy Birthday, [Member Name]! Enjoy a special gift from us—get 50% off your next personal training session. [Link]”

Template 2: “Happy Gym-iversary, [Member Name]! 🎊 Thank you for being with us for 1 year. We’ve added a free class to your account – book now: [Link]”

Template 3: “It’s your special day, [Member Name]! 🎂 Celebrate with a complimentary smoothie after your next workout. Enjoy!”

Send text messages with birthday wishes

17. Personal training sessions

Template 1: “Hi [Member Name], your personal training session with [Trainer Name] is scheduled for tomorrow at 10 AM. Let’s crush those goals! 🏋️‍♀️”

Template 2: “Don’t miss out! We have a special offer on personal training packages this month. Book your session today: [Link]”

Template 3: “Ready to take your fitness to the next level? Book a personal training session today and get personalized workout plans. [Link]”

18. Member engagement message

Template 1: “Hey [Member Name], we haven’t seen you in a while! Come back this week and get a free smoothie after your workout. 🥤 [Link]”

Template 2: “We’re here to help you reach your goals! What can we do to support you? Reply with your thoughts! 💬”

Template 3: “We miss you at [Gym Name], [Member Name]! Stop by this week and enjoy a complimentary class with us. [Link]”

Many gyms sends text as a way of gyms fitness promotion

19. Event announcements

Template 1: “🎉 Join us for our Summer Fitness Fest this Saturday at 9 AM! Free classes, giveaways, and more. Don’t miss out! [Link]”

Template 2: “Reminder: Our Nutrition Workshop is tomorrow at 6 PM. Spots are limited—RSVP now: [Link]”

Template 3: “Save the Date! 🗓️ Our annual 5K Run is coming up on [Date]. Register today and get ready to run! [Link]”

20. Class booking confirmation

Template 1: “You’re all set! 🗓️ Your spot in tomorrow’s HIIT class at 7 AM is confirmed. See you there! 💪”

Template 2: “Class booked! 🧘‍♂️ Your Yoga session with [Instructor Name] is confirmed for Friday at 5 PM. Can’t wait to see you!”

Template 3: “Confirmation: You’ve successfully booked your Spin class with [Instructor Name] on [Date] at [Time]. 🚴”

SMS messaging as way to get confirmation

21. Gym challenge announcements

Template 1: “Are you ready for the 30-Day Fitness Challenge? 💥 Join us and see incredible results. Sign up now: [Link]”

Template 2: “Our Weight Loss Challenge starts next Monday! 🏋️‍♂️ Track your progress and win exciting prizes. Register here: [Link]”

Template 3: “Challenge yourself! 🥇 Join our upcoming 100 Push-Up Challenge and compete with fellow members for top honors. [Link]”

22. Holiday hours notifications

Template 1: “🎄 Holiday Hours Alert: We’ll be open from 8 AM to 2 PM on Christmas Eve and closed on Christmas Day. Happy Holidays!”

Template 2: “New Year’s Hours: We’re open 7 AM to 4 PM on January 1st. Start the year strong with a workout! 🎆”

Template 3: “Holiday Hours Update: [Gym Name] will have special hours from [Date] to [Date]. Check them out: [Link]”

Use gym SMS to send notifications

23. Nutrition tip messages

Template 1: “🍎 Nutrition Tip: Start your day with a protein-packed breakfast to fuel your workout and stay energized throughout the day. Need ideas? [Link]”

Template 2: “Healthy Eating Hack: Swap sugary snacks for fresh fruits or nuts to keep your energy levels steady. 🌰🍇”

Template 3: “Nutrition Tip: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! 💧 Drink water throughout the day to keep your body fueled and ready to perform.”

24. Equipment maintenance updates

Template 1: “⚙️ Maintenance Update: The treadmills will be undergoing maintenance tomorrow from 1-3 PM. Thanks for your understanding!”

Template 2: “Heads up! We’re installing new weight racks this weekend. The weight area will be temporarily closed from 10 AM-2 PM. 💪”

Template 3: “Equipment Update: The rowing machines will be unavailable for maintenance on [Date]. Thank you for your patience!”

Send notification about personal training session

25. Group fitness class appointments

Template 1: “Group Fitness Class: Your Zumba session with [Instructor Name] is tomorrow at 7 PM. Get ready to dance! 💃”

Template 2: “Your reservation for Group Strength Training on Saturday at 9 AM is confirmed. Let’s build some muscle! 💪”

Template 3: “Reminder: Your Pilates class with [Instructor Name] is booked for [Date] at [Time]. See you there! 🧘”

26. Gym closure notifications

Template 1: “🚨 Important: Due to severe weather, [Gym Name] will be closed tomorrow. Stay safe, and we’ll see you soon!”

Template 2: “Gym Closed: [Gym Name] will be closed for maintenance on Friday from 8 AM to 12 PM. We apologize for the inconvenience.”

Template 3: “Closure Notice: [Gym Name] will be temporarily closed on [Date] for an all-staff training. We appreciate your understanding!”

Use SMS to get more gym membership

27. Workout of the day (WOD) alerts

Template 1: “WOD Alert: Today’s workout is 5 rounds of 10 push-ups, 20 squats, and 30 sit-ups. Finish strong! 💪 #WorkoutOfTheDay”

Template 2: “Today’s WOD: 3 rounds for time -400m run, 15 kettlebell swings, 10 burpees. Push your limits! 🏃‍♂️🏋️‍♀️”

Template 3: “WOD: It’s time for a full-body burn! 4 rounds of 20 lunges, 15 pull-ups, and 10 deadlifts. You’ve got this! 🔥”

28. E-commerce confirmation

Template 1: “Order Confirmed! 🎉 Your purchase of [Product Name] is on its way. Track your order here: [Link]”

Template 2: “Thanks for your purchase! 🛒 Your [Product Name] will be shipped within 2-3 business days. Need help? Contact us at [Contact Info].”

Template 3: “Purchase Success! Your order of [Product Name] has been received and will be processed shortly. Thank you!”

Use templates and send text messages

29. Community building message

Template 1: “Join the conversation! 💬 Share your fitness way with us on social media using #[GymName]. Let’s inspire each other!”

Template 2: “We’re more than just a gym—we’re a community! 🤝 Join our members-only Facebook group to connect with others and stay motivated. [Link]”

Template 3: “Let’s grow together! 🌱 Share your favorite workout tips in our community forum and help others reach their goals. [Link]”

30. Text-to-join campaigns

Template 1: “Want exclusive offers? 📱 Text JOIN to [Number] to receive updates on deals, events, and more from [Gym Name]!”

Template 2: “Join our fitness family! Text SIGNUP to [Number] and get a free class pass plus all the latest news from [Gym Name]. 💪”

Template 3: “Stay in the loop! 📩 Text FIT to [Number] for insider access to promotions, fitness tips, and upcoming events at [Gym Name].”


Yes, SMS marketing is highly effective due to its high open rates (around 98%) and quick delivery. It’s a powerful tool for reaching customers directly, promoting offers, sending reminders, and driving engagement, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses, including gyms.

Yes, SMS marketing is legal, but it must comply with regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the U.S. This means businesses must obtain explicit consent from recipients before sending messages and provide an easy way to opt out.


Absolutely, SMS marketing remains one of the most effective channels for direct communication. It’s particularly effective for time-sensitive messages, personalized offers, and engaging customers in real-time, making it a valuable part of any marketing strategy.

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