How Much to Charge for a 4, 6, or 12-Week Training Program in 2024


Determining the right price for a training program can puzzle fitness professionals. You want to earn what you’re worth without scaring off clients. 

In 2024, setting prices feels even trickier with the fitness market’s continuous evolution. How much is too much for a 4, 6, or 12-week program? 

With the use of advanced personal training software, trainers can now more effectively gauge their market value by comparing their offerings with others in the region. This software can also help personalize pricing based on the client’s goals, the complexity of the program, and added features such as nutrition plans or follow-up support, allowing for a balanced approach to pricing.

Charging too little might undervalue your services, while high prices could limit your clientele. Let’s find out together how you can optimize your pricing strategy to reflect your expertise while staying competitive and accessible.

Training programs

How much to charge for a workout plan? Key influencing factors

How much does a personal trainer cost? Key factor Influencing pricing strategies is the duration of the workout plan. However, other factors contribute to the overall value and, consequently, the price. Factors such as:

  •  The trainer’s qualifications,
  •  The provision of customized meal plans,
  •  The extent of ongoing support.

Start figuring out pricing by considering program length and content depth. Below, you will find market estimates based on the duration of the workout plan:

Workout Plan DurationAverage Price
4-week workout plan$20 – $60
6-week workout plan$50 – $500
12-week workout plan$100 – $1000 

Market Analysis Strategies for Personal Training Program Pricing

Workout program
  1. Analyzing Competitor Pricing

Getting a sense of what others charge for similar training programs can be straightforward. Here’s how to do it in simple steps:

  • Look Online: The internet is a treasure trove of information. Search for training programs similar to yours and see what they’re charging. Websites, social media, and online forums are great places to start.
  • Ask Around: Don’t hesitate to have a chat with other trainers at the gym. They can offer insights into their pricing strategies and what clients are willing to pay.
  • Compare Offerings: Take note of what’s included in their price. This could be anything from the program duration to any extra services they offer.
  • Spot Differences: Identify what you offer that they don’t, and consider if that allows you to set a higher price. Conversely, if you’re missing something, think about how that might impact your pricing.
  1. Understanding Your Target Audience

Who are you training? Busy professionals, stay-at-home parents, or fitness enthusiasts looking to level up their game? Each group has different financial thresholds and value perceptions.

If your audience is a blend of all these groups, you’re looking at a pricing challenge. In such cases, establish a price range: identify the lowest you can charge without undervaluing your service, the highest price that reflects the maximum value you provide, and settle on an average.

  1. Conducting Surveys

To gather direct feedback from both your current and potential clients, consider using surveys. Google Forms is a convenient tool for this purpose. Inquire about their preferences in a training program and the amount they’re willing to pay for such services. How to prepare good gym survey questions?

Workout Plan Preference Survey

Hello! We’re excited to help you achieve your fitness goals. To offer you the best possible options, we’d like to know more about your preferences when it comes to workout plans. Please take a moment to fill out this survey. Your feedback is invaluable!

1. Investment Range

  • What is your preferred monthly investment range for a comprehensive personal training program?
    • Under $100
    • $100 – $500
    • Over $800

2. Program Length

  • Which program length do you believe would best help you achieve your fitness goals?
    • 4 weeks
    • 6 weeks
    • 12 weeks

3. Comprehensive Features

  • Which of the following features are most important to you in a personal training program? (Choose up to 2)
    • Custom workout plans
    • Nutritional guidance
    • Progress tracking tools
    • Access to online training resources

4. Ideal Price Point

  • Considering your selected features, what monthly price would you find reasonable for a personal training program offering them?
    • $______ per month

Thank you for taking a moment to provide your valuable feedback. Your insights are crucial in helping us offer the most effective and affordable training programs.

Personal training services

Your value as a personal trainer – how to determine?

Your value as a personal trainer isn’t just about the hours you spend with clients; it’s reflected in:

  • your credentials,
  • the depth of your expertise,
  • the creativity behind your workout plans,
  • the real, life-changing results your clients see.

Picture this: a trainer with years of experience, perhaps with special certifications in nutrition or strength training, naturally stands to earn more than a newcomer to the field.

Imagine investing a couple of hours in designing a tailored 8-week program that blends fitness with nutrition advice. Asking $400 for such a personalized plan isn’t just about getting paid for your time; it’s about valuing the deep knowledge and care you put into it. 

And as you grow, maybe by adding yoga to your skill set or celebrating your clients’ success stories, you have every right to adjust your fees upwards. You can also create your fitness app thanks to no-code fitness app builder.

Personal training sessions

Juggling Personal Training and Gym Ownership

If you’re juggling these two responsibilities, when it comes to setting your rates, it’s wise to position yourself in line with what well-regarded trainers charge. You might think offering lower rates could draw more people to your gym, but it might actually undersell your worth. 

On the flip side, charging too much could come off as overconfident, potentially turning people away. Striking the right balance is key to showing your value without losing touch with your market.

You know the challenge of balancing the day-to-day operations with your passion for training. Do not ignore the power of Digital Transformation. 

If you want more time for doing what you truly enjoy – helping people achieve their fitness goals, consider gym management software like WodGuru. It’s designed to take the admin load off your shoulders, letting you focus on what you love most.

This kind of tech solution doesn’t just streamline your business from scheduling to member management, and financial tracking to customer relations.; the frictionless solution demonstrates your commitment to creating an engaging and supportive community at your gym. 

Effective Pricing Strategies for Workout Plans

In setting prices for a 4, 6, or 12-week training program in 2024, personal trainers have multiple strategies at their disposal:

  1. Tiered Pricing: Offer programs at different price points, each with varying levels of access to resources and support. This allows clients to choose a level that matches their commitment and budget.
  2. Package Deals: Bundle services together at a discounted rate compared to purchasing them individually. This can include sessions, meal plans, and online support, encouraging clients to commit for a longer term.
  3. Subscription Models: Charge a recurring fee for continued access to training programs. This ensures a steady income and provides clients with ongoing support and updates.
  4. Freemium Model: Offer basic training plans for free while charging for premium features or personalized support. This can attract a wide user base, some of whom may convert to paid plans.
  5. Pay What You Want: Let clients decide how much they value the service. This can be effective for building a client base and receiving donations above standard rates from those who can afford it.

Each strategy has its benefits and can be tailored to fit the trainer’s business model and client base.

Online personal training

Below, we delve into how these factors align to guide pricing, focusing on a 4, 6, 12-week workout plan.

4-Week Workout Plan Price:

Cost: $20 – $60

  • Cost Structure and Market Rates: Evaluate direct costs, including time spent planning and supporting clients, and indirect costs like marketing. Benchmark against competitors to ensure your pricing is competitive yet profitable.
  • Value Proposition: Highlight what makes your 4-week plan stand out—be it custom nutrition guidance, personalized workout plans, or access to exclusive online resources. Your price should reflect the value clients receive.
4 week workout plan price

6-Week Workout Plan Price:

Cost: $50 – $500

  • Costs and Market Comparison: For a 6-week plan, factor in the additional support and customization required. Market research is key to pricing competitively while ensuring your rates reflect the enhanced value and results clients can expect.
  • Client Benefits: Emphasize the comprehensive transformation and more significant results achievable in 6 weeks, justifying a higher price point through proven success stories and client testimonials.
6 week workout plan price

12 Week Personal Training Program Cost:

Cost: $100 – $1000

  • Market Comparison: A 12-week program allows for a deep dive into fitness and lifestyle changes, warranting a premium price. Compare with long-term offerings from competitors, ensuring your price reflects the extended support, resources, and personalization provided.
  • Advantages: The benefits of committing to a 12-week program include more dramatic transformations, sustained support, and deeper client-trainer relationships. These advantages should be central to justifying the program’s cost, appealing to clients looking for significant, lasting results.

When setting the 12 week training program price, it’s vital to conduct a market comparison to ensure the cost reflects the extensive support, resources, and personalization provided. 

12 week training program price

In all cases, clear communication of the benefits and outcomes of your programs will help clients understand the value of their investment. Tailor your pricing strategy to highlight the unique aspects of your offering, ensuring clients feel they are receiving a service worth paying for.

How Much to Charge for an Online Workout Plan

When figuring out how much to charge for an online workout plan, it’s essential to consider the premium nature of your offering. The more tailored and specialized your plan is, including custom workouts, nutritional advice, and personal support, the higher you can set your price. 

Prices can range widely from as low as $20 for a basic 4-week plan to over $1000 for a comprehensive 12-week program that includes all the bells and whistles. 

Integrating gym CRM or gym membership management software can add significant value to your offerings. This software facilitates seamless communication and scheduling, enhances the tracking of client progress, and simplifies payment processes.

Example of 12 week personal training online program:

                12 week personal training program cost

A premium offering not only justifies higher rates but also appeals to clients looking for specialized, in-depth guidance. Assess the unique benefits your plan offers, such as access to exclusive content or one-on-one coaching sessions, and set your prices accordingly to reflect the high quality and value clients will receive.

How much to charge for a workout plan

Adjusting Your Workout Plan Pricing Strategy

Adjusting your workout plan pricing strategy requires a thoughtful approach that balances market conditions, client feedback, and your qualifications. Here’s a refined strategy to guide you:

Initial Strategy

  • Start with promotional pricing for feedback.
  • Conduct market experiments to identify optimal pricing.

Price Increase Triggers

  • Certification Acquired: Justifies higher rates.
  • Positive Client Feedback: Supports increased pricing.
  • Surging Demand: Indicates room for price uplift.
  • Inflation: Necessitates periodic price reviews, recommended annually.

Implementing Price Changes

  • Adjust prices by 10-20%, monitoring sales impact.
  • Inform existing clients of increases, offering current rates as a courtesy before changes apply.

This approach ensures a balanced, data-driven strategy for pricing adjustments, maintaining client satisfaction and business growth.

How much to charge for an online workout plan


In 2024, effective pricing for workout plans hinges on understanding market trends, leveraging unique selling points, and aligning with client expectations. Implementing tiered and subscription-based pricing allows trainers to cater to diverse client needs while valuing their expertise.

Key steps include conducting market research, identifying what sets your service apart, and adjusting prices based on feedback and industry changes. Start with promotional offers, then refine your pricing strategy as you gather insights.

Personal training services

Regularly review and adjust your prices to stay competitive and address cost-of-living increases. The goal is to strike a balance between affordability and perceived value, ensuring your workout plans are both attractive to clients and profitable. Adaptation and flexibility in pricing strategies are crucial for long-term success.

Key Takeaways

  • Price workout plans based on duration, qualifications, and added services.
  • Suggested price ranges: $20-$60 (4 weeks), $50-$500 (6 weeks), $100-$1000 (12 weeks).
  • Conduct market and competitor analysis for competitive pricing.
  • Tailor prices to target audience’s financial thresholds and values.
  • Gather client feedback through surveys for pricing insights.
  • Trainer value is reflected in credentials, experience, and client outcomes.
  • Implement tiered pricing, package deals, subscription models, freemium offers, and pay-what-you-want strategies.
  • Review and adjust prices regularly to stay competitive and manage inflation.
  • Use promotional pricing for initial feedback; adjust based on market research and client demand.


How do I create an online personal training package?

To create an online personal training package, identify your target clients, decide on the content (like workout videos, meal plans), set a price, and choose a platform to share it.

Can I make a lot of money selling workout plans online?

Yes. Selling workout plans online can be profitable if you market well and offer value that meets client needs.

What is a good 4-week workout plan price?

A fair price for a 4-week workout plan ranges between $20 to $60, based on the plan’s complexity and personalization.

How much do online fitness coaches charge?

Online fitness coaches typically charge anywhere from $30 to $100 or more per hour, depending on their qualifications, experience, and the specific services they offer.

How much should I charge for a workout plan per month?

For a monthly workout plan, consider charging between $20 to $60, factoring in personalization, support, and your expertise.

Personal trainer

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